Thursday 15 March 2012

No, It’s Not The Argos Staff Making You Look Stupid…

Lawrence Griffith, 26, of Kingswood, near Bristol, was at Bristol Magistrates' Court over a row with Argos staff who "disrespected" him at the Galleries in Broadmead on January 13.

He admitted the public order offence and accepted the £100 fine and £85 costs but exploded when told he must also pay a £15 victim surcharge.
Not literally, we assume…
Magistrates tried to explain that the charge was mandatory and did not go to the complainant – but to no avail.

Griffith, of Landsdown Close, was released from the dock by the court's legal advisor but directed another insult at the magistrates and was detained by the court usher outside.
Some people just don’t learn.
He returned and apologised but when the victim surcharge was addressed he again flew into a rage and told magistrates they just "see what you want to see".

Griffith was repeatedly warned about his behaviour and contempt of court but continued to shout and swear until three prison officers arrived to take him down to the cells.
The courts won’t tolerate this sort of thing, surely even the dimmest member of the underclass should have cottoned on to that by now.
Defending himself, Griffith said the female member of staff had "disrespected" him.

"She made me out to be stupid and a liar," he said.

"Of course I was angry and
I swore at them because they made me look stupid."
Heh. If you say so.


  1. And yet the "victim surcharge" needs shouting about. If he's not compensating the victim of this particular crime, why should he compensate the victim(s) of a crime he did not commit?

    And if victims don't get it at all, why is it being levied?

  2. good day everyone im looking for michael stephenson is he still posting here
    alf beilin

  3. "disrespected"

    Sounds a bit ethnic...

  4. Captain Haddock15 March 2012 at 11:24

    "Sounds a bit ethnic" ...

    Yep, all the ingredients are there ..

    Attitude problem + choice of phraseology + no photo = MONA ..

  5. Oh lord, she dissed him (gasp...). No wonder he flew into a rage. Still, she should count herself lucky. The normal response to being dissed is a knife in the ribs.

    Well, it's only right, innit? Gotta show respec', innit?

  6. I'm with you WOAR, what the fuck is this "Victim Surcharge" all about?

    If the actual victim never gets a penny of it, and the Court wants to gouge a bit more cash out of the defendant, then put up the bloody fine!

    This just sounds like a criminal VAT tax. And criminal in every way of course. ;-)Who thought it up, Kenny, Blue suede shoes, Clarke I suppose?

  7. The only saving grace is the likelihood of a shorter than usual lifespan for this cretin.

  8. "And yet the "victim surcharge" needs shouting about."

    Indeed it does. But, for any hope of changes (faint though it may be) not by this chap...

    "Yep, all the ingredients are there .."

    Sadly, no photo means we'll never know. And - like stupid hair and fashion - this is a trend spreading amongst the white chav population too...

    "Who thought it up, Kenny, Blue suede shoes, Clarke I suppose?"

    No, I think it stems from the last Labour government. It's been around for a long while.
