Thursday, 8 March 2012

She Would Be A ‘Jordan’, Wouldn’t She?

A woman cried rape after having a one night stand with someone she met on a bus - because he forgot her name when she bumped into him five days later, a court has heard.
You’re just not that memorable, sweetie…
Jordan, who is now pregnant with twins by another man, was convicted of perverting the course of justice and was jailed for two years yesterday.
Pathetic! She’ll do less than half that.
Sentencing, Judge Jonathan Howard slammed her false claim 'a tissue of lies'.

He said: 'Because rape is such a repulsive crime false allegations of rape can have serious consequences.

'Most obviously for the innocent man who has been falsely accused.

'But it also has the consequence that you think genuine claims may be false.

'There is an enormous affect on probable convictions in genuine complaints.

'These are the reasons why the offence you have committed is so serious.

'It undermines the whole principles of justice in relation to an offence which is a repulsive crime.

'Your false claim in this case, made three days after the incident, was a complete tissue of lies.

'I have to take into account the gravity of the offence.'
Then why not sentence her to the equivalent penalty for a man convicted of rape?
Gary Rutter, defending, said Jordan had been bullied at school and would be vulnerable in prison.
Well, if she complains of bullying, I hope they take into account her crime, and check out details very, very carefully…


  1. "Sentencing, Judge Jonathan Howard slammed her false claim 'a tissue of lies'.

    Bless you m'lud...

    I'll get my coat.

  2. When it comes down to one persons word against another and little or no supporting evidence is it really such a surprise that a jury will not convict especially when silly women do what this woman has done. I agree 2 years is pathetic.

  3. "...because he forgot her name when she bumped into him five days later..."

    Blimey. I can recollect times in my youth when I didn't even learn her name in the first place.

    Our Jordan would probably have accused me of rape and murder!

  4. Yet when I mention this to plod they do nothing. I am now opening the David Beiber Fan Club.

  5. If anyone doesn't know who David Beiber is, as mentioned above by that moron-he is the American steroid freak who murdered an unarmed police officer in Yorkshire in 2003.
    I'm sure Ciaran has pictures of him on his wall all pumped up and looking buff next to the pictures of naked children.He is Not On Normal Communal Exercise.
    He is a one-trick pony who hijacks every blog he pollutes with anti-police raving.
    Come on down MTG,you are next!

  6. "Oh, look. Another of those ranting, raving lunatics in a public service uniform, Mother. Might it have a gun?"

    "It is sufficiently lethal as it is, child. Just smile and ignore it."

  7. Captain Haddock8 March 2012 at 18:53

    I would agree that the sentence is pathetic .. but at least the matter reached the Courts .. and at least she was convicted of the offence ..

    Those two steps alone are a big improvement on what we've become used to seeing in such cases ..

  8. WPC Jade D is banned from "After Watt" an award winning blogge! Beiber was protecting himself. Political prisoner. I have that pigs dying scream as my Ring Tone!

  9. About time you banned that piece of scum Julia.

  10. Rehill makes MTG sound positively 'normal'. SHame we don't have gulags to send these tossers to!

  11. @Jaded
    It's probably best to ignore Melvin, Ciaran or whatever it calls itself today.

    Anyone with an IQ greater than krill can see that it has mental problems that should be left to the 'experts' to sort out.

    Without response it will probably get bored and go elsewhere to seek the attention it so dearly desires.

  12. Once again the police fail to get a conviction for rape. Can we not make it easier for women, they shouldn't have to answer questions or anything.Women don't lie.

    Useless police!!!!

  13. God bless you Ciaran and may your troubled mind be one day healed.

    As a human being, i ask you to seek help for your problem. You are talking about the murder of a human being. If we are to overcome all prejudice, surely vile rhetoric againt someone on the basis of their occupation should be the first.

    Upon your death sir, i fear you will be amongst those you have preached against. Avoid the hell you are heading for....good luck.

  14. " I agree 2 years is pathetic."

    If if it was the full two years, it'd be pathetic...

    "Blimey. I can recollect times in my youth when I didn't even learn her name in the first place. "


    "Yet when I mention this to plod they do nothing."

    *sigh* Mention what?

    Stay on topic, chum, or I might well consider removing your comments, along with those of the troll impersonator...

  15. "If anyone doesn't know who David Beiber is..."

    I DID get momentarily confused with Jason Bieber, who I understand is all the rage with pre-adolescent girls.

    And pre-adolescent boys, for all I know!

    "Those two steps alone are a big improvement on what we've become used to seeing in such cases .."

    That's very, very true, and we should be grateful for small mercies.

    "Once again the police fail to get a conviction for rape."

    In failures of conviction, it's usually the CPS. And in this instance, there WAS no 'rape'.

  16. Women never lie, they just use tissues of them.
