Thursday 29 March 2012

You Know How Owners Grow To Look Like Their Pets? Well….

Remember this gormless pair? Seems they decided not to risk a trial after all:
… they admitted lesser charges of using disorderly words and behaviour in an eleventh-hour plea before a planned trial this morning.
Hmmm, what sort of ‘disorderly words and behaviour’?
Katrina Mann, 48, was seen ‘kissing and embracing’ fellow teacher Darren McCarthy, 38, before their late-night clash at Barking station, Essex.

Witnesses called the police as the couple shouted and swore at each other at 11.45pm, Havering Magistrates’ Court heard.

Mann, the headteacher of Barking and Dagenham Tuition Centre, yelled at officers, screaming ‘why are you f***ing stopping me’.

She then told McCarthy to ‘shut the f*** up, you p****, don’t say anything - you’re coming home with me.’

She added that she was ‘the head of a centre for excluded children and you don’t know what it’s like dealing with their behaviour.’
Oh, I think they do! It’s rather similar to having to arrest a drunken slapper and her pickup for the night at Barking Station…

Remember I said it was a place very well served by CCTV?
CCTV images showed the pair in the train station, where McCarthy was seen standing with his hands outstretched and shouting before aiming a blow towards Mann’s head.

Both were then seen
punching each other in the head, prompting a second member of the public to call the police.
Officers arrived to find McCarthy ‘shouting and aggressive,’ claiming they were only stopping him because he was a ‘n*****.’

More blows were exchanged between the pair, Mann punching McCarthy three times before they were arrested on suspicion of drunk and disorderly behaviour.
This is while the police are present, remember!

Of course, they just get a slap on the wrist:
They were each handed a conditional discharge for 12 months and ordered to pay £85 court costs.
And why?
Roy Baxendall, the presiding magistrate, said today: ‘The behaviour that went on was totally unacceptable, particularly in the light of the jobs you do and the vulnerable people you are dealing with.

‘You completely lost it and completely showed yourselves up. Had your mitigation not been so strongly put you would each be facing very serious levels of fines.’
Ooooh, let’s hear it then!
Donal Lawler, defending Mann, said the mother-of-four had been upset because her then-partner had assaulted her daughter.

He was due to be sentenced on domestic abuse charges at Redbridge Magistrates’ Court today.
Well, that’s not very strong. Maybe her paramour has a better excuse?
Andrew Lock, defending McCarthy, said the father-of-two was still angry with police about how he had been treated.
Guess not.

If they are not sacked from their jobs immediately, their charges are going to make their lives hell. Even in a normal school, this would happen; one can only imagine what the excluded population has in store if they return...


  1. And i daresay the Police may be angry about the way they were treated?

    Have there been any cases recently where an offender has pleaded guilty and stated there was no excuse for their behaviour?

    What a pathetic pair, get pissed up, can't handle there drink, engage in criminal behaviour, assault each other...and he blames the police. Yep, that seems par for the course.

  2. A bloke was twatting a lass on the head whilst she was lamping him back saying 'don't you know who I am?' And he's still angry? Hokay. I see a glittering career at OFSTED or doing riot reports. And the domestic violence thing...err...completely separate, no relation whatsoever, hmm. Lovely.

  3. "And i daresay the Police may be angry about the way they were treated?"

    Well, no doubt. But it's part of their job to take abuse isn't it? ;)

    "And the domestic violence thing...err...completely separate, no relation whatsoever, hmm. "

    It IS Barking & Dagenham, after all...
