Wednesday 4 April 2012

For The Umpteenth Time, It Should Be An Aggravating Factor, Not ‘Mitigation’…

A man used a sock filled with gravel as a weapon in an unprovoked attack on a stranger, Southampton Crown Court was told.
So, not a spur of the moment thing, either?

After all, few people will hang around to be assaulted while you hop about on one foot, peeling off your sock while looking for handy gravel, will they?
Louis Lake was so drunk he said he had found the weapon in the street although he was arrested wearing only one sock.
The court heard how the unemployed 25-year-old had swung the weapon at a man who was making his way home along Bedford Place from a night out in Southampton. Prosecutor Barnaby Shaw explained how the weapon had hit victim on the back of his head causing a golf ball sized lump.
Oooh, this will be good*!
Mitigating Sue Ridge said he was deeply ashamed of the incident and had no recollection of events because he was so drunk, which was the cause of his offending for which he was seeking help.
Hah! Like that will work and…

Lake, of Arthur Road, Southampton, was given a three month suspended sentence suspended for a year, a supervision order and 180 hours' unpaid work.

* by 'good' I mean pathetic..