Thursday 19 April 2012

Frank Field Readies The State Podding Factories…

A pioneering virtual school could be set to break the "cycle of poverty” in Wirral by giving teenage mums extra support.

The new scheme – Springboard – was proposed to the council's cabinet by Birkenhead Labour MP Frank Field on Thursday night.
And just how will a ‘virtual school’ do that? Come to think of it, just how are you defining ‘poverty’?
He wants to establish a free school which will teach young people parenting skills and ensure children are ready for their first day of school.

It is hoped the project would begin during the early stages of pregnancy and would go some way to halting the cycle of "intergenerational poverty."
So, government indoctrination centres providing more work for state employees servicing the growing underclass?

Nice way to dress it up, Frank…
"During the first years of a child’s development, their life chances are determined – particularly those from the poorest backgrounds.

"We want to work with parents when their baby is still in the womb to make them more useful than they would otherwise be.

"Although this would be a virtual school, it would still have a governing body and we would hope all parties would be a part of that.

"It will be very much a Wirral project of cutting edge ideas – no-one has done it before and it thinking very much outside of the box."
Rather than try to deal with the problems caused by a ‘no responsibility’, ‘money for nothing’ culture, why not simply bring that culture to a screaming halt?
Under the proposals, the school will operate from a number of centres with its headquarters based at Tranmere Community Centre and the most vulnerable mothers and children would gain enhanced support.

And the Birkenhead Education Trust, which will run Springboard, is also working with St Anselm’s College and Prenton High School on a pilot scheme to find out how parenting skills can be integrated into the curriculum.
Jobs for all! And not just in the Wirral, either…
If successful, Springboard is expected to be rolled out across the country to improve skills among young people and create better life chances for future generations.
And create well-paid sinecures for public sector staff, of course.

Is it just me, or is there a core of people intent on farming the underclass like cows? And I don’t believe we’ve a shortage of cows…

H/T: Tattyfalar in comments


  1. If there is any benefit to be had from this scheme which I doubt those who may benefit are the ones least likely to take advantage of it.

  2. I think Frank genuinely cares and despairs about the approach to the modern undeserving poor and inadequates by successive governments. Always consulted and never acted upon and he has resorted to the only thing the modern education 'experts' and the political class understand....ONLINE/VIRTUAL.

  3. '...pilot scheme to find out how parenting skills can be integrated into the curriculum.'

    Replace 'parenting' with Keep Your Legs Shut Until You Can Afford To Spawn Without Sponging Off The Taxpayer and it would be a lot more palatable.

  4. Excellent fisking as always, Julia...and ta muchly for the H/T :)

  5. Captain Haddock19 April 2012 at 19:05

    Frank Field has, to date been the only socialist with anything remotely sensible to say ..

    But I suspect that in desperation (as per Ranter's comment) even he's finally succumbed to traditional socialist fuck-wittery ..

    I suppose it would be unrealistic to expect that any staff associated with these "virtual" schools will be happy to accept "virtual" wages ?

  6. Next .
    Sterilisation clinics?

  7. "giving teenage mums extra support."

    Which will almost certainly result in more teenage mums.

    The left love to cite the example of the Netherlands and how their enlightened liberal attitude results in a very low teenage pregnancy rate. What they never point out however is that there is hardly any government support given to teenage mums. They are expected to rely on their parents. There is official and societal disapproval of reckless pregnancy - something long abandoned in the UK as too "judgemental".

  8. They're only teenage mums until 19 years and 364 days have passed...
    Mind you....wandering down the high street at 0100z last weekend I had a passing thought that, bearing in mind the general drunkenness and lack of clothing of the young female clubbers, the pregnancy rate is surprisingly low.
    Must be the pill ?

  9. Frank Field has become so desperate to do something that these "force everyone to be state-approved parents because a minority don't conform" plans come right on the heels of his claiming a large percentage of small children start school not knowing their own name.
    Not...not being able to write it or spell it or at a push not know their surname but not actually knowing what it is.
    Ludicrous. If that were even slightly true then a couple of ruthless Social Services should be dealing with that since it would indicates severe sustained neglect worthy of prosecution.
    Dunno what tipped his balance but the man has lost the plot.

  10. "...those who may benefit are the ones least likely to take advantage of it."

    Very true!

    "I think Frank genuinely cares and despairs..."

    I think he used to, certainly. But so many years of being ignored seems to have sent him a bit doolally...

    "I suppose it would be unrealistic to expect that any staff associated with these "virtual" schools will be happy to accept "virtual" wages ?"


  11. "What they never point out however is that there is hardly any government support given to teenage mums. "

    Economical with the truth, as usual... :/

  12. I thought watching 'Days of our lives' would teach you all the social guff you needed to know.

    That kind of thing.

  13. Hang on, is a virtual school really pioneering? I thought many of the UK's educational facilities were only virtually schools these days.

  14. Perhaps he should look at the University of Man/s posting that single mothers are like mmotorcycles.

  15. Is it just me, or is there a core of people intent on farming the underclass like cows?

    This is a fabulous turn of phrase, far more pointed than my previous favourite, that the people who work with the underclass have a perverse incentive not to solve the problems that their "clients" face.

    When the likes of Polly Toynbee are red with rage at the iniquity of "the cuts", they tell themselves that they are speaking for the weak and vulnerable. In fact they are promoting the interests of their own class. To them, the underclass are the most valuable cash crop that was ever invented, and unlike coca or cannabis, it is a crop that gives its farmers the ultimate legal high: the feeling that merely by cultivating it, they are on the side of the angels.

  16. "...the people who work with the underclass have a perverse incentive not to solve the problems that their "clients" face.

    Yup...full time employment and a steady income for life. Making money on the back of deliberately perpetuated misery...perceived or otherwise.

    Perverse incentive indeed.
