Sunday 29 April 2012

I Shouldn't Laugh, Really...

A man had a lucky escape after another man covered him in lighter fluid and tried to set him on fire.
And what's funny about that? Well...
The horrific attack, which happened outside the Fiery Angel in Hewlett Road...
Mr Threlfall applied for a pre-sentence report to be prepared on Norris, whom he said had no previous convictions for violence and was in a good job.
The paper doesn't say what sort of job.


  1. "The paper doesn't say what sort of job."

    Maybe it's someone with burning journalistic ambitions but cruelly destined to remain a mediocre, cut-and-paste blogger, Julia.

  2. Captain Haddock29 April 2012 at 10:29

    "The paper doesn't say what sort of job" ...

    I reckon one can safely say it has nothing to do with promoting sartorial elegance .. ;)

  3. no previous convictions for violence .. He didn't say 'no previous convictions'. Sometimes it is what isn't said that is important

  4. "Maybe it's someone with burning journalistic ambitions but cruelly destined to remain a mediocre, cut-and-paste blogger, Julia."

    Flattery will get you everywhere, anon... ;)

    "Fireman ?"

    In 'Fahrenheit 451', perhaps!

    "no previous convictions for violence .. He didn't say 'no previous convictions'."

    Good point!
