Wednesday 18 April 2012

Look, What Part Of 'Non-Emergency Number' Didn't You Understand..?

Lin was holding a friend's baby, who had dropped in to visit, when the pair of thieves walked into her shop at about 1pm on Wednesday.

The first, who appeared to be aged in her 40s, of Eastern European origin and wearing a headscarf, kissed Yazz Seager's baby, after which Lin immediately reeled away.

At the same time, the second woman lifted several items from a table in the corner.

After several requests "to put the jewellery back" the woman lifted her top and bra up, before laughing.

Lin said: "At that point I said I was going to call the police, but the phone wasn't working so I had to pretend.

"I told them the police were coming. I had just had enough of it all, so I stood in front of the door to stop them getting out.

"One took one arm and the other took the other arm and pulled me away from the door.

"Then, as they were walking down the street they pulled up their skirts and mooned me.

"That is what really offended me. It was their brazen attitude. They couldn't give a damn.

"Their attitude was that we have stolen items from your shop and there is nothing you can do about it."
Sure there is! Theft, assault, you can dial 999 and...

Then Lin called the non- emergency police number from her mobile and eventually was put through after a delay.

She added: "Apart from anything, I am not happy that the police seem to have taken no notice. I thought they would come to see me but they haven't."
For the love of...!!! Theft and assault are EMERGENCIES.

The non-emergency number is not appropriate here. Why would you think it was?


  1. Captain Haddock18 April 2012 at 11:37

    "The non-emergency number is not appropriate here. Why would you think it was?" ..

    Presumably for the same reasons she was more offended by a flash of naked female arse, than having her property stolen ..

    She sounds very much like somone in urgent need of a lesson in priorities ..

  2. They would only have sent a dribbling PCSO anyway!

  3. Educatid Plod Fed Rep18 April 2012 at 17:39

    Sertain health and safety facters make emergensy calls hasardus for us plod, around this time of day. We hovva on the brink of conssiuousssnes and drift into the afternoon siesta after carfuly hucking up to a pursonal radiator. It is also peek time for donut diejestionion and any sudden change of status, as may be antisipaited by startllin our members, could have dissastrus consiqensis.

  4. "She sounds very much like somone in urgent need of a lesson in priorities .."

    Well, indeed. It's amazing what people don't realise they reveal about themselves when they run to the papers...

    "They would only have sent a dribbling PCSO anyway!"

