Friday 6 April 2012

Shorter Brian Paddick: "To Hell With The Law, Appease The Mob!"

There could be further riots in London because the decision to hold off an inquest into the shooting of Mark Duggan suggests lessons from previous riots have "not been learnt", Brian Paddick, a former senior officer at Scotland Yard, has warned.

Paddick, a former deputy assistant commissioner in the Metropolitan police, said failing to hold an inquest "because of a legal technicality" would do little to reassure communities in London that the police is "on their side".
And this man's a serious Mayoral candidate? Oh, wait:
Paddick made his comments as he prepares to announce that Duwayne Brooks would be his deputy mayor for youth and communities if he is elected mayor in May.

Apparently not, then!


  1. Now they are all crawling out of the woodwork, cue Sipt Leroy Logan

    Not happy with his current rank anymore?

  2. can all this racism still exist after years and years of quota recruitment and non-stop diversity training post Macpherson?

    That's a serious question BTW?

  3. Racial bias obviously still does exist in the met(sic). The kind that sees some ethnic groups as more equal than others?

    Equality is for all or not at all.

    Paraphrasing what Black Adder says the problem with their plan is it's bollocks.

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  5. If you do not deliberately immediate your interest.

    Sorry, we only understand English here.

  6. .how can all this racism still exist ......?
    That is the £100,000 question.
    Football is having the same problems, Luis Suarez is mid 20s and it will be interesting to see the ages of the accused Officers.
    My theories include the fact that successive Govts have not grasped the nettle and had a grown up discussion about immigration / terrorism etc.
    That reports about schools banning Baa Baa black sheep has devalued anti-racism.
    It is reflex reaction to Ali Dizaei others like him shamelessly playing the race card.

  7. .how can all this racism still exist ......?
    That is the £100,000 question.
    Football is having the same problems, Luis Suarez is mid 20s and it will be interesting to see the ages of the accused Officers.
    My theories include the fact that successive Govts have not grasped the nettle and had a grown up discussion about immigration / terrorism etc.
    That reports about schools banning Baa Baa black sheep has devalued anti-racism.
    It is reflex reaction to Ali Dizaei others like him shamelessly playing the race card.

  8. Face it racism is normal.
    You protect your tribe or your tribe gets trouble.
    Only religion trumps this. Not by much though.
    Banning it is like banning sexual intercourse.

  9. "Not happy with his current rank anymore?"

    Oh, this will spark calls for more ethnic minority senior officers to 'resolve' the issue.

    Because Ali Dizaei solved everything, didn't he?

    "Sorry, we only understand English here."

    Lol! Wouldn't you think a Yankee spammer would be able to speak it?

    "...and it will be interesting to see the ages of the accused Officers."

    And the names. The latest 'Mail' story concerns one PC Philip Juhasz. A fine old English name, I think? One of the East Hampstead Juhaszs, surely?
