Thursday 12 April 2012

Well, Maybe, But You Can't '**** Gravity', Eh, Shanice?

On her Facebook page while on the loose, the tearaway taunted them, saying 'Catch me if you can' and '**** the feds and **** the law'.
So much for the benefits of early release. Are you listening, Kenneth Clarke?

The 'Mail' and the local papers covering this are full of the usual illiterate screeds claiming 'she wuz more than a robber, innit?' and the sanctimonious castigating everyone for not showing respect and bewailing that fact that no matter what she had done, no-one deserves to fall from a 17th story window.

And on that last, I might have agreed, but then I read a little further on and saw this story.

And thought 'Actually, yes. Some people do...'


  1. Police brutality. Riot organised. Lefty quivering-bottom-lip outrage arranged.

  2. The only problem here is we are taking too long sorting them out and bringing them to justice.

  3. The Daily Mail are censoring comments again.For some reason they are focusing on this girl being "attractive".I'm sure being robbed at knifepoint by a good-looking person is so much better than by an ugly one.

  4. Captain Haddock12 April 2012 at 17:44

    Oh dear, how sad, never mind ...

  5. Nah, but gravity can **** you.

  6. A salt and battered12 April 2012 at 18:50

    I trust that separating the head and torso of black and brown jelly babies in one bite, gives you as much pleasure as drooling over the real thing, Julia.

    Equally comforting is the knowledge that should you lose your own life to say, stray police bullets of the exploding variety, WPC Jade D will be quickly on hand. She can explain how dreadful a person you really recklessly assume a position at a crime scene....endangering the lives of plod engaged in killing, I mean arresting, some other dreadful person.

  7. I've made a couple of comments over at Timmy's recently about the Americanisation of our society since the 60s- American "liberalism" i.e. progressive socialism in particular. Every time I see one of these references to "the Feds" (see Rioters passim) I'm more convinced of how important a factor is in our society's development (or ruin, take your pick) since the 60s.

  8. No cat-in-bin-twatter-outrage over Dollkeith's case then ?

    Is it coz he's blick ?

  9. She'd broken the terms of her sentence. She was due to be arrested. Rather than be arrested, she jumped from a high window. Now she's dead. Move on, there's nothing to see.

  10. "'Ur at peace now. Make sure yuh party hard up ther. I love you xxx.'"

    "Up" ther? We sure about th' direction here?

  11. Is Melv suggesting that some nasty thuggish coppah threw this attractive, dusky but deeply flawed woman out of the window?

    What do the DAily Mail hope to achieve by their bizarre coverage?

    As the Captain says Oh dear, how sad, never mind ...

  12. Jaded, It would not have made such a good headline if it read, "Overweight, ugly, drug-raddled, tart thought she was fat enough to bounce".
    I'm just surprised her description did not include the value of her mother's house, where she bought her clothes, how she modelled herself on Victoria Beckham and was hoping to get through to the finals of BGT, followed by Simon Cowell saying "I, for one, would have given her a chance." or something similar. Of course, it's all the fault of the Police in trying to arrest a prolific crook and the officers concerned, their families, and anyoneone who has ever known them, are finding it difficult to sleep at night!
    Penseivat (with some irony)

  13. When I heard this story I immediately thought, if the dead person is black then the police are going to get accused of chucking her off the balcony. When I heard nothing of marches on the local police station and allegations of police murder I assumed the deceased was white.
    Surprised to see she is black but not surprised cretins like MTG are still suggesting police skullduggery.
    It is a shame and perhaps one day she might have grown up and become a decent person. For now, the world is a slightly better place.

  14. @Jaded: the 'Mail' seems to think she should have been a model instead of a thief. I'd have thought moderately-pretty girls with bad attitudes were already ten-a-penny, myself...

    @IanB: they hear it in rap songs, they don't even know what it means.

    @Coco: notice no- one's contacted her victims for their take..? ;)

  15. A salt and battered13 April 2012 at 08:08

    Woodworm undermines the beauty and strength of a fine hardwood floor just as surely as an infestation of plod destroys a vulnerable blog.

  16. Perhaps she went off the rails because, being so pretty, no-one ever asked her to be a bridesmaid?

  17. MTG,I suppose had this "pretty" girl robbed one of your children at knife-point you would just pat her on the head and use your word skills and clever phrases to scare her off?

    I don't remember reading anywhere that she was shot with exploding bullets.Please enlighten us.

    Unless your idiot mate CR turns up later when he gets his straight-jacket undone you are on your own with defending this "gangsta".

  18. Woodworm undermines the beauty and strength of a fine hardwood floor.... 0r perhaps a windowsill.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. A salt and battered13 April 2012 at 20:37

    Acknowledging the flimsiest evidence of intelligent police is a risk I am happy to accept, blueknight. Touché, Sir.
