Tuesday 10 April 2012

When Is This Going To Be Classed As Attempted Murder?

Jamie Kirby, of Far Ings Road, Barton-Upon-Humber, pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm at Grimsby Crown Court.

The court heard Kirby, 18, subjected Wayne Towle, 45, to a sustained, unprovoked attack that saw him repeatedly kicked and punched to the head and face.
He didn’t die, but he did suffer severe lasting damage.
His victim has been given a 50 per chance of suffering severe arthritis in the long-term and still has to walk with the aid of a walking stick.
And this attack was completely unprovoked, prompting the judge to note the blindingly obvious:
During sentencing, judge Jeremy Baker QC described Kirby as a man with a troubling pattern of behaviour who posed a risk to members of the public.

"You are what can be described as a dangerous offender," he said.
Well, indeed!
Mr Semple said: "Mr Towle was out enjoying Christmas drinks at lunchtime and left in the late afternoon. The next thing he remembers was waking up at Scunthorpe General Hospital.

"He had suffered a fracture to the neck and his right femur that required surgery and screws to be inserted.

"He also had two teeth knocked out, three severely loosened, swelling to the right-hand side of the face and bruising."
The attack was unprovoked, brutal and sustained.
Mr Semple told the court that members of the public witnessed Kirby throw two or three punches to the complainant's face and stomach before the pair fell to the floor with Mr Towle's head facing upwards.

The court heard Kirby then delivered three football kicks to the back of his head.

Mr Semple said: "He went to position himself at the back of the head and delivered three football kicks to the back of the head. Witnesses say it was like someone taking a penalty.
"Kirby was then heard to shout, 'you are not so hard now are you?'

"He then delivered a further two to three kicks to the complainant's chest and stamped on his face two or three times in quick succession."
Mitigation for this should be interesting:
Andrew Bailey, mitigating, said Kirby should be given credit for his guilty plea at the earliest opportunity, his age and his genuine remorse.
Ah. Forget ‘interesting’. Let’s go with ‘scraping the barrel pathetic’, shall we?
Mr Bailey said: "He accepts this was a sustained assault fuelled by drink and cannabis.

"He admits he drinks to excess and can't deal with this, and his cannabis misuse seems to be a factor."
*shakes head*
He was sentenced to a four-year custodial sentence. He will serve half of this in prison, and will then be on licence for four years, meaning he could return to jail if he commits a further offence in that period.

Kirby was also given a 12-month concurrent sentence at a young offender's institute for previous offences whose penalties were activated by the latest offence.

What’s it going to take?


  1. "Andrew Bailey, mitigating, said Kirby should be given credit for his [clearly manipulative, as he was 'dead to rights'] guilty plea...".

    The judge "...Jeremy Baker QC described Kirby as a man with a troubling pattern of behaviour who posed a risk to members of the public" but possibly thought 'not rich lawyers, Judges and MPs', so not really worth doing much about him, right?

    'Troubling', huh?
    The vile and violent things that criminals do are acts that would effect them if they were done to them. There's the clue for how to change or terminate their "...troubling pattern of behaviour...".

  2. Fidel Cuntstruck10 April 2012 at 12:02

    I happened to watch a Charles Bronson film over the weekend, and I recall thinking how effective his character's tactics were and how they could be applied these days. Of course, in those days the Police might have been able to turn a blind eye

  3. It's plain to see that The Law has no intention whatsoever of ridding society of it's sick animals.

    Certainly not when stabbing a four year old multiple time is classed as "assault".


  4. I am thinking that Gary Wills and the hammer could have a walk on part here.....

  5. If only the cannabis this thug had smoked had been legal.

    Then everything would have been alright, wouldn't it, my little Guardian readers?


  6. "The vile and violent things that criminals do are acts that would effect them if they were done to them. There's the clue for how to change or terminate their "...troubling pattern of behaviour..."."

    Well, we've tried leniency, and there's absolutely no doubt now that it doesn't work.

    "Of course, in those days the Police might have been able to turn a blind eye"

    If the cuts to front line officers go ahead, there may no be anyone to turn a blind eye, or a seeing one. So, there's that...

    "Certainly not when stabbing a four year old multiple time is classed as "assault"."

    How can that not be attempted murder?!

  7. "I am thinking that Gary Wills and the hammer could have a walk on part here....."


    "If only the cannabis this thug had smoked had been legal.

    Then everything would have been alright..."

    Well, indeed. And we're always being told it's calming, unlike drink... :/

  8. "Certainly not when stabbing a four year old multiple time is classed as "assault"."

    "How can that not be attempted murder?!"

    I'm going to take a wild guess that someone somewhere got a kick up the arse over that.

    Yesterdays article is not available today and has been rewritten and regurgitated to cite a charge of "Attempted Murder".

    *sings* what a difference a day makes....24 little hours...

  9. Thos idiot has committed many crimes since this attack. Hes moved on from cannibis to crack..n thinks nothing of booting peoples doors off thier hinges in the early hours and marching them to the nearest atm machine with a knife in thier back. Scum. They should have thrown away the key

  10. Hi...the Towle family are the vermin of the town, always two sides. Hear that Wayne Towle was given a sorting out on the request of local business people, maybe true maybe not but there ya go. Having said that, the fine young pricks who did him over have also got long pedigree in the town. Surprised they're still standing to be honest

    1. Who tf are you!!! “Surprised we’re still standing” my dad did nothing wrong that night my dad is the innocent one out them all. You silly cow

  11. All sides are vermin, the Towles don't need an intro either.

    1. Yeh my dad didn’t deserve it either

    2. Hahahah

  12. Watch what happens to the silly cunt next time he steps foot in Barton

  13. Yeh but my dad didn’t deserve anything that happened to him that night he was just trying to enjoy his Christmas but no some scum had to ruin it for him and his daughters. Which may I say was were 7,9 and had to visit their dad in hospital which was the most traumatic time. I would love for him to feel the same pain. But no it’s always the innocent one that have to.
