Tuesday 24 April 2012

Why Should We Concern Ourselves With His Luck?

Perrett's luck ran out when he turned left off Court Farm Road...
Really? I would have thought it ran out when he decided to run away from the police.
Mitigating, Sarah Iles conceded: "There's no doubt that this was an appalling piece of driving. The only saving grace is that no-one was hurt."
She said her client had not been drinking nor taking drugs that night and she was unable to get to the bottom of why he acted in the way he did.
Here's a clue love:
Passing sentence, Judge Roderick Denyer QC ...imposed a nine-month prison sentence, suspended for two years.
It's because there are no damned consequences for doing so!


  1. You need a new font. I read that as 'Sarah Lies' and it seemed appropriate ;)

  2. You need a new font. I read that as 'Sarah Lies' and it seemed appropriate ;)

  3. ....`unable to get to the bottom of why he acted in the way he did....`

    erm....driving without a licence or insurance MAY have something to do with it...

    Still...apart from the laughable suspended sentence...being disqualified from driving for a year will teach him a lesson...oh wait...he already doesn`t have a licence

  4. What may have seemed damned bad luck to JuliaM was the fact he narrowly missed a cyclist.

  5. Captain Haddock24 April 2012 at 17:47

    Seems the only way to ensure a custodial sentence in Ken Clarke's justice system is to get yourself wanted either in Europe or the US ..

    You can guarantee being arrested & deported .. unless of course, your name happens to be Qatada ..

  6. "You need a new font. I read that as 'Sarah Lies' and it seemed appropriate ;)"



    Yup :( I guess his honour never thinks he'll ever meet this chap on the Queen's highway one day.

    It'd be churlish of me to wish for that, I suppose..

    "What may have seemed damned bad luck to JuliaM was the fact he narrowly missed a cyclist."

    There's always more of 'em.

    "You can guarantee being arrested & deported .. unless of course, your name happens to be Qatada .."

