Monday 23 April 2012

Yes, This Is The Sort Of Person To Give Us Lessons On 'Decency'...

For me, those are important questions that should be given attention to in primary school. I would call the class "Web ethics and a guide to privacy" – and maybe add a little decency to the mix.
The 'Guardian' giving space to a professional troll. And it's not Polly Toynbee or Richard Murphy for a change!


  1. What sort of person is this ?

    Well...I'm torn between "Hypocrisy" and "Hubris" to describe their actions.

    Can I have both ??

  2. Professional troll indeed; and a very good one too.

  3. Sheer genius with a dash of potty and wrecklessly brave.

    "Gambian Street Dog" is a masterpiece. She blunders about in the squalor of Gambia and comes over all pink and fluffy about a street dog. Ignoring the filth and hunger of the humans, she lavishes money, food and medicine on it.

    In that Tinkebell voice and way of writing she ...

    No, watch it. The ten minutes will make you go 'ah' and it will also make you very angry.

    It's not what you think it is. It's art alright, and the people depicted don't find the reflection very flattering.

  4. That should be "reckless".

    Hamster Balls Pt II is also a gem.

  5. Captain Haddock23 April 2012 at 18:50

    If the Graun are so stupid as to give loons of that calibre the oxygen of publicity .. and presumably they pay for that stupidity too ..

    Then they deserve all they get ..

    I've never bought & will never buy the Graun, so their stupidity & that of their columnists isn't going to hurt my pocket ..

    With luck, eventually, they'll go bust ..

  6. The neighbour's lad buys the paper and I line my cat litter trays with it. Big pages, folded in half...perfect fit for the tray :)

  7. Captain Haddock23 April 2012 at 19:58

    Probably the best use for it Tatty ..

    As from what I understand, its already full of crap anyway, so a little more won't hurt .. ;)

  8. "It's art alright, and the people depicted don't find the reflection very flattering. "

    Heh! Indeed...

    "As from what I understand, its already full of crap anyway, so a little more won't hurt .. ;)"


  9. You could have trolled so much better, Julia M.

    And fret ye not over imagined prospects of sharing the journalistic heights with Ms Toynbee.

  10. Been done before, so she's not even original. Read Orwell's essay "Benefit of Clergy"

  11. I do love the irony of somebody who goes by the nom de (f)art "Tinkebell"* getting all worked up about people being anonymous or pseudonymous on the web.

    And not-quite-endless repetition of "bitch" is hardly a death threat. Still ...

    I'll not be rushing out to buy the book.

    * I suppose I am assuming that her parents weren't as obviously brain damaged as she was. If this is her real name, I might actually have some sympathy. She could have had a chance to turn out to be a decent human being if she'd be christened something like, say, Katinka Simonse. Ah, yes, that. I take it all back - it's all her own fault.
