Thursday 24 May 2012

Going For Broke…

Geoff White, speaking in mitigation, said Newsome had told him she suffered from schizophrenia and that she was "having a turn" on that day.
Mr White also told the court she was a heroin user. He added that she had been given community orders for previous offences but that it had not helped or stopped her reoffending.
A drug addict and a schizophrenic? That’s a bit greedy, Geoff, leave some ‘mitigation’ for all those other lawyers, won’t you?
Newsome pleaded guilty to assault by beating, racially aggravated assault and racially aggravated harassment causing alarm and distress.
District judge Stephen Nicholls adjourned the case for psychiatric reports ahead of sentencing.
Newsome was released on unconditional bail to appear back at the same court on June 25.

Well, I suppose she doesn’t live anywhere near Mr Nicholls, or Mr White, for that matter. And they probably shop in Waitrose.


  1. No difficult background? I dunno, defence briefs do fucking half a job these days.

  2. Captain Haddock24 May 2012 at 11:17

    Blimey .. schizophrenic, heroin user, all she need do now is become a "clam-jouster" & she'll have a nap hand .. ;)

  3. If I arrest a schizophrenic I count that as two clear ups.

  4. A chubby for a heroin user surely?


  5. Apparently it is more serious to kick a black man in the groin than a white one.

  6. "Mr White also told the court she was a heroin user. He added that she had been given community orders for previous offences but that it had not helped or stopped her reoffending."

    That's mitigation. :-(

  7. "If I arrest a schizophrenic I count that as two clear ups."


    "Apparently it is more serious to kick a black man in the groin than a white one."

    *surprised face*
