Thursday 17 May 2012

Sorry, Rachel, But She Didn’t Actually Have One To Lose…

Rachel Mason, mitigating, said Taylor has no previous convictions and has now lost her good character.
Yes, I know. It’s a legal term, not a reflection on her life choices. Bad though they are…
She said the defendant suffers with depression.
"It seems she has been taken advantage of by a male who is the father of four children," said Miss Mason.
"He appears to step in and out of her life. He is married and in another relationship with another woman. Each know about each other.
"My client is heavily reliant on him. She has conceded she can't have him full-time. She has held on to him because she has nobody else in her life."
Apart, that is, from the state…
District Judge Timothy Gascoigne sentenced Taylor to an 18-month community order with 18 months supervision and 16 sessions at Chepstow House in Hanley, which aims to help women get their lives back on track.
And the £9,668 that she was overpaid? Does she get to keep that?


  1. Don't know about anything else but surely the paper shouldn't have combined photographing her with playing Starcraft. I mean at least run down the road and back to get rid of all the black stuff.

  2. Maths time!!!

    "But in 2009 the benefits hotline received an anonymous tip off that Taylor was in a relationship with Mr Mushtaq and had been for 11 years."


    "Taylor, aged 30.."

    That puts her - by my reckoning - 27 in 2009, and 16 when Mohammed first started shagging her.

    Wonder what religion/ethnicity Mohammed is - I can't tell from his name...

  3. Many of the offenders we deal with have depression. It doesn't stop them going out thieving, getting drunk, abusive and violent though.
    The liberal shower responsible for the feckless society we now find ourselves in, will tell you that these poor people are depressed because they have no job and position in society.
    The truth is they are only likely to be depressed if they have to fill in a job application form and get off their fat arses and work for a living.
    They get signed off long term with depression so they don't even have to bother to be seen to be looking for work. Most importantly, it allows them to claim inapacity benefit on top of all the other benefits they receive.

  4. Incidentally, Google News seems a little light on details about Mr Mushtaq (or this story in general); Julia - did you find any clues on how old he might be?

  5. Brontosaurus said...Many of the offenders we deal with have depression. It doesn't stop them....

    Funnily enough a woman I knew claimed to be Bipolar. It supposedly explained her complete inability to stop going out getting legless and shagging anything that looked at her once...yes I mean "thing" these males were only ever drastically affected her ability to keep her four kids clean, fed and cared for.

    The one-to-one attention she was lavished with from mental health "experts" and social workers would have been far better spent on the kids.

    She actually asked...and was granted...the company of a mental health nurse to B&Q to buy flooring once. No problem whatsoever walking alone into a bouncing pub stone cold sober, though. I mean, WTFFF.

  6. "...but surely the paper shouldn't have combined photographing her with playing Starcraft"

    It really isn't one of the photographer's better efforts, is it? Don't these people have editors?

    "Wonder what religion/ethnicity Mohammed is - I can't tell from his name..."


    "They get signed off long term with depression so they don't even have to bother to be seen to be looking for work."

    Hopefully, the proposed benefit changes will nip that in the bud...

    "...did you find any clues on how old he might be?"

    Not a one!

    "She actually asked...and was granted...the company of a mental health nurse to B&Q to buy flooring once."

    WTF? Ikea, now, I could understand...

  7. Don't these people have editors?

    Wouldn't be surprised if it was the ed wot did it. I'd have thought the snapper would have stuck it in Pshop and reached for the crop tool.

    Incidentally... "This is Staffordshire"? Lamest thing to shout before kicking someone down a well in the history of everything.
