Monday 18 June 2012

Big Trouble In Little Green-land…

The Green-controlled local authority believes it can save about £230,000 a year as it looks to combat Government-imposed cuts.
Oh no! What can they do? Well, scrap public transport, for one thi…

Wait. What?
Buses serving hospitals, schools and suburban areas will be scrapped – despite fierce opposition.

*pauses for breath*

Council leader Jason Kitcat (Ed: clearly, more of a Flake..) said: "We are fortunate that in our city 98% of routes do not require a subsidy but school routes are particularly challenging to run without subsidy.
"We cannot continue to carry the costs of running some of the school bus routes on their historical basis."
I bet when the Green loons voted you in, they never envisaged you’d put more traffic on the road, eh?
The Conservative group proposed the local authority find funding to keep the 27, 22, 52 and 81 services.
It also suggested looking again at the 96 and that they postpone any change until September 2013 at the earliest.
The Labour group suggested funding for all of the affected routes was found from the Green’s commitment to the One Planet Living project aimed at reducing people’s carbon footprint.
Both of these were voted down by Green councillors who have the casting vote on the influential policy and resources committee yesterday.
I wonder what plans they have for the funding specifically aimed at reducing the carbon footprint, if they aren’t going to use it for this?

Mind you, I guess they are all far, far too busy with other pressing matters that must be keeping the people of Brighton awake at nights…

It seems the bloom is coming off the global warming rose everywhere, the minute it butts up against hard economic reality.


  1. The comments thread makes for an entertaining read too - leaving aside the nitty gritty philosophical argument about whether or not there should be subsidies any way the comment from one Argus reader that "there wouldn't be such a need for subsidies if more people used the buses it is proposed to scrap" reinforced my belief that there is definitely something about the air in Brighton. And no one suggested replacing the buses with horse and cart or road legal land yachts .. Green, my a....

  2. You had me worried there when you said the Green controlled local authority, thought for a moment that the Greentards had more than one council. :D

  3. And several readers are annoyed that they cannot comment on the farmer Dawson story.... Strange how the press always kick off when they have their freedom of speech curtained but when the public can't comment on traveller stories then censorship is fine. I'm sure the editor or Sarah Brooker won't have the guts to comment ( in fact they'll probably remove these posts ) but they have to accept it's a two way process. I'd suggest posting our comments about the traveller story on every Argus website story but they will probably close down comments in a sulky six year old way like they did about the Argus redundancy comments. A CHALLENGE to the Editor and Sarah - WHY CAN'T WE COMMENT ON TRAVELLER STORIES ?????”
    Some think that The Argus are trying to save the blushes of the Greens who would have supported the travellers...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. XX I wonder what plans they have for the funding specifically aimed at reducing the carbon footprint, if they aren’t going to use it for this? XX

    Stuff even MORE of them into the aeroplane to the West Indies for their next holiday.... sorry "Investigation of Jamaicas green projects?

    After all, can't go having the Green-party lear jet flying HALF full now, can they? That would REALLY be "un-green."

  6. "The comments thread makes for an entertaining read too.."

    Oh, indeed!

    "...thought for a moment that the Greentards had more than one council. :D"

    They are going to be hard-pressed to hang on to this one, I think!

    "Some think that The Argus are trying to save the blushes of the Greens who would have supported the travellers..."

    More likely, their moderators are refusing to work long hours! ;)

    "Stuff even MORE of them into the aeroplane to the West Indies for their next holiday.... sorry "Investigation of Jamaicas green projects? "

    Good point!

  7. Can I say (well, actually, I'm going to anyway unless Julia takes a severe dislike to this that would be slightly unusual) that I really don't care?

    The silly bastards voted for them. The silly bastards have to live with them. Watermelon councils dont vote themselves in (yet.)

    I can count on the fingers of two fingers the number of people I actually care about in that LA and they spend as little of their time there as they can manage (being locals retired rather than professional Guardianistas).

  8. Yup, it's their bed, all right. I just like to plump up the pillows a bit... ;)
