Saturday 23 June 2012

Don’t Poke A Wasp’s Nest, Complain About Being Stung, And Demand The Eradication Of All Wasps…

A young mother who was subjected to 'dead baby jokes' on Facebook after losing her unborn daughter has attacked the website for refusing to take down the offending page.
Oh, here we go…
The 22-year-old made the heartbreaking decision to end her pregnancy after a scan showed her baby girl Sara had the rare chromosome disorder triploidy - and wouldn't have survived birth.
Still grieving, Jessamy was horrified to discover the existence of a Facebook group called Dead Baby Jokes…
And most normal people, even allowing for the strange effects of grief, would have closed down the PC then and there, knowing that there’s nothing you are going to like therein.

But no. Not in this case. She didn’t just read it either…
…- and decided to write on the page's wall voicing her disgust.
Miss O'Neill, who lives with her grandmother in Swanscombe, Kent, was sickened by the response to her comment.
She must be possessed of very few brain cells indeed, if she expected anything else…
Miss O'Neill, who is no longer with Sara's father, said: 'Reading these comments has made me shake with anger. I’ve been an absolute mess because of it, I can’t stop crying.
'I just can’t believe anybody would be so cruel and sick to write things like that - why does somebody want to hurt me like that?'
Look, love, it’s not all about you. This group wasn’t set up for you, and you clearly have enough problems, without needing to add to them by visiting it and getting into a scrap with the members.

Just use the 'off' button on your computer...
Miss O'Neill said she was disappointed that Facebook was refusing to shut down the page and was going to ask her local MP to lobby the website for her.
Oh, for…
She said: 'I find it shocking that they don’t seem to care about the hurt these people have caused me.
'I'm going to write to my local MP and I am even prepared to go and sit outside David Cameron’s house and scream and shout until something is done about websites like this.'
Should someone who throws a public tantrum about something that has nothing to do with her in order to demand others' activities be halted be thinking about breeding in the first place?

Facebook are being quite bullish, for now:
A Facebook spokesman said: 'We take our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities very seriously and react quickly to remove reported content that violates our policies.
'In general, groups devoted to jokes, even disgusting and distasteful ones, do not violate our policies.
'Where these groups make real threats or statements of hate, however, we will remove them.
'We encourage people to report anything they feel violates our policies using the report links located throughout the site.
'Specifically, dead baby jokes groups and pages in general do not violate our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.
'However, should there be any specific images believed to display children at risk, we encourage the reporter to bring them to our attention so that we can investigate them and take action accordingly.'
How long do you give it before Facebook caves in?


  1. I don't think they will cave in. This is a clear instance of trolling, and possibly also bullying. Miss O'Neill has trolled the joke group by posting on their public area her message of disgust, and is now trying to bully Facebook into closing this group.

    Given her sad circumstances, I would hope that Facebook will not report her for these offences. But (and partly for her own good), Facebook should consider removing her membership to Facebook.

  2. Welcome to the internet Jessamy.

  3. Its people like her who actively complain that results in cases like the police telling christians not to preach.
    Wonder if the MP bats her back to the local constabulary....

  4. Also see:

  5. Wait on, she elected to end the pregnancy? Regardless of whether the child would or would not have survived birth, I find that sticking in my craw. Perhaps she feels guilt for her actions and is acting accordingly.

    That said, she's none too bright to whinge on such a site with no thought as to what the response will be. I remember when I first joined the Army and we were all introducing ourselves to one another, one bright chap introduced himself as Richard, saying that he likes to be be called Richie, Rich etc, but to not call him Dick. So what do you think we called him? Especially when he a had a tanty every time we did.

  6. "I don't think they will cave in."

    I really, really hope they don't. But if a campaign really gets rolling...

    "Welcome to the internet Jessamy."


    "Also see:"

    I bet I never see THAT in the Apple App Store! ;)

    "Especially when he a had a tanty every time we did."

    Heh! Quite...
