Monday 13 August 2012

Best Excuse Ever!

He said Smith had only taken the axe to the pub to give to a friend who had broken his.
As you do…
He also admitted failing to answer police bail last August and failing to answer court bail on July 20.
Oh, naughty boy!
However, when the magistrates returned to court to announce Smith's sentence, it was found he had left the court building and the magistrates issued a warrant for his arrest, without bail.


  1. Perhaps he was off to the Doctors to get a note saying he was ok to attend court but not to hang about for the sentence?

    Silly idiot, all that is going to happen is he will be locked up and held in the cells before being produced under escort for his sentencing. More inconvenience for him, but more so for the police who have to spend time tracking him down again.

    With 12 kids he does very well to find time for himself instead of all that responsible parenting. Anyway, just off to the pub to drop off a machete to a mate who broke his.

  2. Robert the Biker13 August 2012 at 12:20

    Yeah, I've got a tactical nuclear weapon that Phil leant me, must return it next time I see him down the pub

  3. How wonderful that our sturdy English scrotes stick to the traditional axe and meat cleaver of days of yore and don't have any truck with motorized chainsaws.

    Unaccountably, Danny Boyle failed to mention this in his celebration of all things British.

  4. Ancient+Tattered Airman13 August 2012 at 21:35

    Are you sure that there are only twelve kids?

  5. "With 12 kids he does very well to find time for himself instead of all that responsible parenting."

    Sadly, these days, this number is all too common. Sometimes, at least half are to the same mother!

    "Unaccountably, Danny Boyle failed to mention this in his celebration of all things British."

