Tuesday 4 September 2012

Another Fox In The Henhouse...

The newly arrived prisoner from Peterborough jail refused to hand over open-toed sandals and a strappy top which were allowed at Peterborough.
She was then "restrained, relocated to the segregation unit and had her clothes cut off her as she was forcibly strip-searched", Mr Hardwick said.
Fair enough. They might be allowed, but they need to be searched for contraband first. I'd have used a chainsaw, rather than a pair of scissors..
Describing the use of force as neither necessary nor proportionate, the Chief Inspector of Prisons said a manager's approval was not obtained and there was no attempt to resolve the issue in other ways.
Such as? Put her on the naughty step?
Mr Hardwick added: "Punishments were excessive and cellular confinement was used too often."
Are we sure Hardwick isn't Ann Owers in drag?


  1. Excessive "cellular confinement" in the joint, huh?

    My theory is that if we crack the guy's e-mail account open we'll find a message saying 'congratulations on another fine job, Agent Hardwick' sent from nigelf@ukip.org.

  2. God forbid prisons be a place where people do as they are told.

  3. AGM, prisons still are places where people do as they are told. Unfortunately it's the prisoners who are doing the telling and the warders who are being made to do the doing!

  4. Cellular confinement, eh?

    Is that when they try to stick a mobile phone up your jacksy?

  5. "Excessive "cellular confinement" in the joint, huh? "

    Well, indeed!

    " Unfortunately it's the prisoners who are doing the telling and the warders who are being made to do the doing!"

    We truly live in interesting times, ads the old Chinese curse goes.
