Wednesday 26 September 2012

British Justice In 2012

Kieron Wright was given a community order in March for his part in a cowardly assault that left a man with learning difficulties battered and bleeding in a pub toilet in Sunderland.
Gosh, well, so much for the courts getting tough on crime affecting the disabled.
Within 24 hours of walking out of court the 19-year-old, who was given an ASBO in 2010, had turned his violence on Syeda Chowdhury, known as Sally, at a store in the city.
Newcastle Crown Court heard yesterday during the terrifying attack the victim had chunks of her hair pulled out and vile racist abuse was thrown at her.
Hah! You’ve done it now, son! The state takes a really dim view of hate crimes, so…

Wright was handed a suspended sentence for his latest attack by Judge Roger Thorn QC.

I just…

What? Was the mitigation absolutely awesome?
Tony Hawks, defending, said Wright has been in Durham jail since March, which he has found an 'intimidating experience.'
Oh. No, not really, then.
Judge Thorn said because Wright has spent the equivalent of a 12-month sentence on remand his 12-month prison sentence for the offence will be suspended for 18-months, with supervision.
The judge told him: 'Newcastle Crown Court, in your view clearly, gave you a lenient sentence that you were not expecting.
'I’m not going to express my own view of that because I don’t know the circumstances in which you were sentenced.
'You went out and celebrated in a completely foolish way and committed further offences.'
As Wright left the court Judge Thorn warned him: 'The last thing you ought to do is go and celebrate.'
Oh, no, I think he ought to. I just think he ought to do it in your local watering hole.

Let you be the one to pay the price for letting this man walk the streets. It’ll make a nice change.


  1. I was at first thinking this might, in an odd way, be encouraging. How? Well, in the way that even disabled and non-white victims of crime are treated with the same contempt by the justice system as I would be. We are all in this together as the man said...

    Then I realised this just means that a violent criminal's hand in victimhood poker is stronger than that of disabled man or an ethnic woman.
