Sunday 9 September 2012

"This cannot be, it's the devil's work."

Terrified witnesses called the police after seeing a man with a samurai sword in a residential Whitehawk street. But the man accused of carrying the weapon said it was a family heirloom.
Ichiro Sakamoto was arrested...
Wait. That's not right!
Michael Tongeman, of Whitehawk Crescent, Brighton, was arrested when armed officers besieged his home after he was spotted carrying the sword in Manor Hill.
Mr Tongeman said that his home had been burgled while he was in hospital.
“I’ve always been nothing but helpful to the police and this is the last thing I need.”
Credit for best comment in the thread would go to the guy who posted 'There can be only one!!!' but sadly, the moderators quickly removed the entire comment column...


  1. This case of the disappearing local newspaper comments boards seems to be part of a growing phenomenon.

  2. Good job we have blogs then, so we can comment without censors

  3. "This case of the disappearing local newspaper comments boards seems to be part of a growing phenomenon."

    Yes, and sometimes not on the ones you expect!

    "Good job we have blogs then, so we can comment without censors"

