Friday 21 September 2012

Was Another Stratford Narrowly Averted Here?

A 31-year-old Burnley man tried to set his dog on police officers who came to speak to him about an alleged offence.
Blackburn magistrates heard the dog, encouraged by its master, became aggressive as police struggled to arrest Scott Dumigan.
A true ‘weapon dog’, then? Again
Dumigan, of North Street, Burnley, pleaded guilty to resisting a police officer and failing to surrender to bail.
He was fined £125 and ordered to pay £15 costs.
That’ll teach him!
David Leach, defending, said his client had not been charged with the matter the police arrested him for.
So? It’s what he did when they came calling to question him that’s the point!
“He tried to persuade them he had done nothing wrong,” said Mr Leach.
“He should have gone with them but he was frustrated.
“As for encouraging the dog to attack he apologises to the officer but assures me there was never any prospect of it attacking anyone.”
Only because they managed to shut the door in its face…

Why is no order being made with regards to the dog?


  1. " assures me there was never any prospect of it attacking anyone.”

    I'd pay a judge to test that theory with David Leach as bait.
