Wednesday 10 October 2012

By George, I Think He’s Got It!

Now can he please spread it around to the rest of the justice system?
Addressing the judge, St George apologised to PC Beale. He said: “I would like to apologise to the officer for the pain that I caused her. I have realised the seriousness of the offence. I was just a confused and a mixed-up head.”
Put away that onion! Judge ain’t buyin’ it…
Sentencing St George to 24 weeks in prison, District Judge Philip Gillibrand said St George attacked PC Beale in an “uncontrolled and unthinking episode of violence” and had failed to show sufficient remorse.
He said: “There was an element in your behaviour of ridiculing her, and taking advantage of your strength over her.
“The thing about remorse is it has to come at the right time. If it comes on the day of the trial, months down the line, then what of remorse?
More like this, please!


  1. “There was an element in your behaviour of ridiculing her, and taking advantage of your strength over her. “
    Yes, it's not like the police would ever do that. Oh:

  2. Hey Jonathan, there are 15 year old boys and there are 15 year old boys these days. this one undoubtedly needed controlling - but then why amI bothering, you could deal with a little shit like him on your own no problem eh? Wanker!

  3. Ancient + Tattered Airman10 October 2012 at 23:08

    'ere, wot about his yuman rights init? Pore old Stubby.
    No, I don't actually think that at all but I'm sure there are those who will in surreal Britain.

  4. "Yes, it's not like the police would ever do that."

    If they'd done it when the little shit was younger (perhaps with the full backing of his parents) maybe he wouldn't be such a frequent flyer in the custody unit?

    "...but I'm sure there are those who will in surreal Britain."

    More than I ever dreamed there could be!

    "Eat porridge, stubby."

    Do they still serve that?

  5. He still only got 24 months though.

    Kick the bastards head in around the back of the court. The defendant as well.
