Wednesday 17 October 2012

How Fortuitous…

Two mosques could now be opened in Purley instead of one. A disagreement within Muslim group Purley Islamic Community Centre (PICC) means a splinter group is also actively seeking its own place of worship, the Advertiser understands.
The Advertiser understands the disagreement arose because what is now the splinter group believes there are too many local Muslim families to fit into the former Venture Photography shop in Russell Hill Place.
Monir Mohammed, who remains part of the wing dedicated to the Russell Hill plan, said: "Within groups of people there will always be a number of people who disagree with certain points of view. People will always have differences of opinion.
"Sometimes it is venting frustration or it is a gripe because people can't get their own way.
"However, this new site is a great idea because it may be that they can offer additional services to the community and we could share the burden."
What a reasonable compromise. Who could disagree with two for the price of one..?


  1. Robert the Biker17 October 2012 at 12:42

    I've got a better idea:
    " Since you whiny buggeres can't even agree between yourselves, how about we have NO mosques"

  2. However, unlike the People Front of Judea and / or The Popular People Front of Judea I doubt whether their respective 'leaders' will call a meeting, propose a motion and have it seconded on ANY subject whatsoever, let alone whether Stan can be called Loretta and have it recognized that it is his right to have babies ............etc.........

  3. Will anyone be able to tell if its 'Loretta' or 'Stan' underneath the Burqua?

  4. Hopefully they can train missiles at one another.

  5. As Robert says - NO mosques. If they must have one then they should all go to Pakistan and open one there.

  6. Oh noes! Two mosques = twice the bearded savagery

  7. Bunny

    Oh for God's sake are they publicly funded, if so why? No mosques sounds good to me too

  8. "I've got a better idea:
    " Since you whiny buggeres can't even agree between yourselves, how about we have NO mosques""


    "Will anyone be able to tell if its 'Loretta' or 'Stan' underneath the Burqua?"

    Good point!
