Tuesday 30 October 2012

If This Is What He’s Like At 10..!

Police are now investigating the incident which involved a 10-year-old pupil at Eastwood Primary School, in Rayleigh Road, who went on the rampage in the canteen.
An Essex Police spokesman said: “Police were contacted by the headteacher of Eastwood Junior School shortly before 9.30am on Thursday October 18, who was reporting a student had been involved in a knife-related incident the previous day.
“A ten-year-old boy from the Southend area had run through the building with a children’s cutlery knife before it was taken off him by staff.
“He was excluded from the school for four days.”
Blimey! Given they usually fight tooth and nail NOT to exclude, this little hellion must be something special...
Police said they had no previous involvement with this boy. Headteacher Rebecca Perman said she could not comment on the case for confidentiality reasons.
Well, of course!
Jane Theadom, Southend Council’s Head of School Support and Preventative Services, said: “The Council can confirm that an incident took place at Eastwood Primary School on Wednesday during which a Year Six pupil made racist comments to another child.
“The pupil later assaulted two members of staff. We are unable to give any further details at present because the matter is currently the subject of an investigation by Essex Police.
“However we can confirm that in the interests of the safety of all concerned the child involved was immediately excluded from school to allow for a thorough investigation to take place.”
Still, why worry? It’s not as if it’ll affect his ‘rights’, is it?
Under the Government's admissions code, schools are told that progression into the sixth form must not be dependent on attitude, attendance or behaviour records.
The ruling emerged as a grammar school was reprimanded by the local government watchdog for refusing to offer an A–level place to an unruly teenager.
Yes, it was a Labour initiative (of course) but have the Tories rescinded it?

No. Prizes for all!


  1. A 10 year old with a butter knife! God almighty call out the swat teams.

    Also a 'racist comment'? I just wonder what that was. 'Assaulted two teachers'? Does struggling count or did he simply say something?

    Whilst I have no more facts than anyone else, personal experience of the PC idiots masquerading as teachers nowadays, makes me wonder if the 'incident' wasn't in fact yet another PC incited one.

    It would be nice occasionally if a 'journalist' actually did their job and found out some before quoting verbatim the 'great and the good'.

  2. A 10 year old with a butter knife! God almighty call out the swat teams.

    +1 to that. Talk about overreacting.

  3. Where's a sadistic PE teacher when you want one to thwacked the little sooty round the head with a large Dunlop plimsoll!

  4. I bought my poppy today and couldn't help wondering what the FUCK would happen if we were openly invaded today by a force intent and capable of doing us serious harm.

  5. Tatty,

    Just take a look at Bimingham, Leicester, Coventry, Derby, Blackburn or London for the answer to your question.

    It appears to me that the possibilty in your question has already occurred.

  6. " 'Assaulted two teachers'? Does struggling count or did he simply say something? "

    Could be either, but to get excluded for four days, I'd think it must have been physical.

    "I bought my poppy today and couldn't help wondering what the FUCK would happen if we were openly invaded today by a force intent and capable of doing us serious harm."

    Dunno about you, but I'll find the nearest 'troubled' 10 year old and stand behind him!

  7. ‘She was an extremely volatile child’, he said, to which Ms Rooney answered: ‘There are children who have challenging behaviour.’

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2225332/Calm-collected-school-nurse-accused-slamming-nastiest-pupils-door-losing-temper.html#ixzz2ArWIhnDm
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  8. English Viking -

    Had thousands of marauding immigrants landed on our shores in one fell swoop and set about us with weapons then air, land and sea defences...what little there is left...would have been scrambled quick sharp. On the streets it would have been every man, woman and child for themselves and...as Julia points out...our ever-growing army of feral sprogs might then have served a purpose.

    If only for the rest of us to pick up and throw as missiles.

    As opposed to an ever-so-slow drip and drain on the little resources left over after the EU cuckoo has been fed, the welfare state has received it's weekly giro and fake charities have slunk off with the latest full begging bowl etc etc.

    Hence my emphasis on the word "openly". ;)
