Sunday 14 October 2012

Like, Perhaps, Your Dictionaries..?

Seen at the Bournemouth ‘Echo’.


  1. Not to mention the double entendre.

  2. Vauling was an old Dorset sport, preceding Hard Court Marrow-Dangling and Dwhile Flunking. The Bournemouth Vaulables were league champions in 1723.

    Also, the Dorset Police Chief Cunstable was a friend of mine (until the typo was discovered).

  3. I saw a letter in the paper the other day from a lady who watched her local PCSO cable tying a "Warning, Thieves Operate In This Area" sign to a fence.

    She passed by the next day, and someone had cut the ties and stolen it...

  4. "She passed by the next day, and someone had cut the ties and stolen it.."

    The PCSO? That's okay, we can always get another.

  5. "Not to mention the double entendre."

    Oh, indeed!

    "She passed by the next day, and someone had cut the ties and stolen it..."


  6. Please leave us good people from Purbeck alone:) we are happy that our mothers and sisters are the same person!
