Thursday 25 October 2012

Meet The New Boss...

Health Minister Anna Soubry, on her way to Downing Street for a hard day's work worrying about what other people put in their mouths...

...just exactly the same bossy, obnoxious, tinkering Nanny State cow as the last boss, the one you thought you'd managed to vote out of office...
Cakes and croissants have doubled in size in a generation adding to Britain’s obesity problem, health minister Anna Soubry claimed today.
Launching a fresh attempt at clearer food labels advising shoppers on calories and fat content, Ms Soubry said supermarkets and manufacturers also had to make it clearer when a ready meal is meant for more than one person.
Obesity and poor diet cost the NHS billions of pounds every year and the Department of Health claims voluntary deals with big food companies is the best way to influence what we eat.
'Voluntary'. Yeah. Sure they are. At the moment...


  1. No, the best way would be to put mandatory, clear, unambiguous labels on all processed food.

  2. Define 'processed', please. A loaf of bread, for example, is processed, isn't it?

  3. "the best way would be to put mandatory, clear, unambiguous labels on all processed food."

    The best way would be for fat people to put less food, labelled or otherwise, in their mouths and to move around a bit more.

  4. Is she suggesting that people need new labels to differentiate a big cake from a small cake?

    If not the guff about sizes having doubled seems to be struggling for relevance.

  5. We need labels to tell us if GM products , endocrine disruptors, oestrogen mimickers , thyroid agitators and stuff that makes you fat are in our food .

  6. We need labels to tell us if GM products , endocrine disruptors, oestrogen mimickers , thyroid agitators and stuff that makes you fat are in our food

    It's me glands, doctor!

  7. Either those trousers are too tight, too small, a bad fit, or Mrs Soubry could take a bit of her own advice!

  8. At least she is not morbidly obese like the shadow Health Secretary, Dianne Fatbutt.

    She is an interfering, irritating, condescending and patronizing witch though, so there are some similarities.

  9. Scuse me but just where have 'cakes and croissants doubled in size'?

    Every brand I have access to from bread to chocolate has bloody well shrunk (whilst of course the price has gone up).

    I admit some of that has got to be related to bad wheat harvests etc, but I wonder just how much is down to the increased costs of bureaucracy (tax, over-regulation, constantly changing demands as to content etc.) But then I'm a congenital cynic.

  10. Scuse me but just where have 'cakes and croissants doubled in size'?

    Every brand I have access to from bread to chocolate has bloody well shrunk (whilst of course the price has gone up).

    I admit some of that has got to be related to bad wheat harvests etc, but I wonder just how much is down to the increased costs of bureaucracy (tax, over-regulation, constantly changing demands as to content etc.) But then I'm a congenital cynic.

  11. These hectoring MP bores should come with an 'off' switch, clearly labelled.

  12. Noggy,
    I always thought that I would rather have cement pumped up my nose before I agreed with you but, my goodness, I suppose I must now start looking for a nasal cement pump! You missed out, however, racist. Still 4 out of 5 is not bad!

  13. Penise,
    Pumped concrete is preferred to cement when filling large voids.

  14. Hello Melv,
    Is that why you sound like you're gargling when you talk? Sorry, old chum, there's just not enough concrete available in the world (unless China stops importing it). You're just going to have to suck it up.

  15. Does the leopard change its spots? She was a prat as a student at Birmingham University in the 1970's .

  16. Anonymous @09:07

    The best way would be to paint targets on their backs and make shooting at them with something lethal compulsory for all persons aged 12 or over on sight, irrespective of whether they are in government or opposition.

    Noogin @ 11:39 and Anonymous @19:19

    What about their swimsuits if you are planning on wasting all that good ballast?

  17. XX manufacturers also had to make it clearer when a ready meal is meant for more than one person. XX

    Oh sod off! Half these ready meals, you need to buy three to have enough for ONE bloody person.


    Has any one ever tried eating just the "One portion" of peanuts that they say is the reccomended daily dose?

    The fucking sparrows in my garden eat more.

  18. Furor,
    A 10 oz portion of peanuts is a trifle boring...but it contains calories equating to the daily ration for Auschwitz guests.

    Yet those 1600 calories were imaginatively diverse; often some combination of a coffee/scone breakfast, 360 gr of bread plus 1 Litre of meat and vegetable soup for lunch. (No special diets were introduced for diabetics since there were no documented cases).

  19. "..mandatory, clear, unambiguous labels on all processed food."

    I thought that's what we already had? Well, except for that stuff that's secretly halal...

    "It's me glands, doctor!"

    Spot on!

    "At least she is not morbidly obese like the shadow Health Secretary, Dianne Fatbutt."

    Heh! Ol' Diane knows the difference between a big cake and a small one, all right...

  20. "Every brand I have access to from bread to chocolate has bloody well shrunk (whilst of course the price has gone up)."

    Look at 'Wagon Wheels'!

    "These hectoring MP bores should come with an 'off' switch, clearly labelled."


    "Half these ready meals, you need to buy three to have enough for ONE bloody person."

    Yup, portion size is all over the place. Perhaps we need a government-regulated definition of the term? ;)
