Tuesday 16 October 2012

No, There's Only One Victim Here...

The mother of a teenager convicted of murdering Steven Grisales is “begging” the community to come forward.
Sandra Espeut, who lives in Victoria Road, Edmonton, claims her 16-year-old son Ochaine Williams is not guilty of stabbing the 21-year-old student in College Close, Edmonton, on August 31 last year.
Oh. Really?
The 47-year-old, who moved with her son to Edmonton from Vicarage Road, in Tottenham, two years ago, believes people in Tottenham and Edmonton know more information about the real killer but are too afraid to come forward.
Gosh! Maybe it was that one-armed man again?
Ms Espeut is planning to lodge an appeal against his conviction on Monday or Tuesday next week and is in the process of organising marches to publicise her cause.
Yes, I'm sure that'll help...
His 27-year-old sister Camille Thelwell is also desperate to see her brother freed from the young offender's institution.
She said: “We are not saying that he is an angel; we are saying that he is not guilty of that crime.
“We live in a community and they are scared to come forward, it is ridiculous. It is just the society we live in; everyone is trying to look macho.”
I keep reading those words 'community' and 'society' and yet, I just can't quite picture what they must mean to people like this...
Pastor Pat Agdomar, who has worked as a minister with the Edmonton-based Glory of the Cross for more than 30 years, is supporting the family.
He said: “The family are fair-minded people who really want to make it known that they really feel for the other family.
“It is a tragic thing for both sides but all we are looking for is for justice to be done and we are very sorry for their loss.”
The pastor, who campaigns against gun and knife crime in Enfield, said both teenagers are victims...
No. No, they are not.

Mr Grisales is the victim here. Him, and only him. Williams is a career criminal:
Ochaine Williams, now 16, fatally stabbed aspiring architect Steven Grisales after he dared to tell him to stop throwing conkers. Then aged just 15, the notorious gang member with an appalling criminal record embarked on a sophisticated cover-up in a bid to avoid justice.
For once, the justice system wasn't fooled:
‘He was no stranger to handling knives and far from expressing remorse it seems he was part to an elaborate cover-up which showed a degree of sophistication in criminal ways beyond his 15 years.’
Sadly, they hasn't acted in the past, which left this savage street thug free to kill a comepletely innocent man:
The thug was a member of a notorious street gang, the 'Northumberland Park Killers' or ‘NPK’ and had a long record for violent street robberies, battery and burglary.
Following his arrest, the teen boasted of his affiliation to the street gang by writing on his prison mattress: 'NPK. Riding the Big Bird. Innocent on Remand.'
Just a month before the murder, he was handed a youth rehabilitation order for a house burglary and ordered to wear an electronic tag.
He was caught carrying a knife at school and police were called to his home when he threatened his mother with a kitchen knife after she challenging him for skipping school.
Yet despite flouting his curfew conditions up to 20 times, the teenage gangster was not locked up.
The contrast between Williams and his victim - the ONLY victim here - couldn't be more pronounced, as is so often the case:
Mr Grisales had returned to Britain from Argentina to take up a scholarship to study architecture at Westminster University.
His organ donations following his death helped to save the lives of three women.
Perhaps the Chinese have the right idea - over there, Williams would be doing the same thing...


  1. Again before I skipped to the story I thought I bet he is black. Ohhh what a suprise. Decorum stops me from putting what should be said. PS perhaps our police force should apply for overseas aid they might get more funding.

  2. Oh dear! It's 'My little Billy wouldn't do that' syndrome writ large.

    Anon, the crims blackness isn't the issue. The issue is that he is a value free dodgy crim and so it seems are the family who support him. I also find it extremely distasteful that the family of the perpetrator is trying to cast him as some sort of victim. This is the result of creating a society, which the Left did, without shame or values or any sense of common decency.

  3. Farenheit,

    As far as I can see, his 'blackness' his PRECISELY the issue.

    Savage, backward behaviour from a largely savage, backward race.

  4. Bunny

    12 bloody years is that it? For God's sake punish the little bastard, life meaning life. He will never contribute to society, probably father numerous children and thankfully not contribute one iota to their upbringing. Life inside as he was under eighteen when he committed the crime. If he commits anything after the age of eighteen hang the bastard.

  5. Noggin, if you want to blame anything, blame the education system** for palming these young black guys off with sub standard 'multikulti' culturally appropriate 'education' instead of a decent education. Also look how the welfare state has encouraged irresponsibility in young men both black AND white, how could such twin disasterous policies NOT create antisocial wankstains?

    ** Where a British black family has the dosh and the gumption then many are abandoning the state education sector for schooling either in the independent sector in the UK or in the still rigorous state and private sector in the West Indies or Africa.

    That is a scandalous indictment on the British education system.

  6. Robert the Biker16 October 2012 at 12:32

    Bounty on him inside, bounty if he's ever let out; wipe the little shit out and end the problem. Until this is done, the problems will only increase.

  7. Sigh.

    Notice that, in accordance with the Yachtsman's law, ALL the members of every family involved in this case, even, apparently, mothers and their children, have different surnames.

    Christ on a bike.

  8. Weekend Yachtsman, Re the names, that I'm afraid is the family structure that leftist welfare and family policies have bequeathed us.

  9. "We are not saying that he is an angel"

    Redundant phrase. Only angels (if they exist) can be reasonably called angels. Knife-waving young nutters, not so much.

    By the way I too noted the variety of family names. I also noted the name Ochaine. Chosen because it rhymes with Cocaine?

  10. Niggers eh? That's what they want to be and that's how they behave, they even call each other niggers! Spoon feed these little cunts what you will - they'll still be niggers! Until the homies in down town LA start wanted to be educated and earn money lawfully and not have big fuck off cars and dirty whores, den dem bwahs is gonna be is ow dey is? Ya feel me?

  11. when he threatened his mother with a kitchen knife after she challenging him for skipping school.

    Blimey some parents are dim. It's not because she's running a campaign, all donations gratefully accepted, is it?

  12. Farenheit,

    I haven't failed him, neither has the State.

    The State has failed me, for turning my country into a thirld world shithole, forcing me to live amongst filth like this.

    But I haven't stabbed anyone.


  13. XX Ms Espeut is planning to lodge an appeal against his conviction on Monday or Tuesday next week XX

    Or Wednesday, na the pub is open early, Thursdy? Na if she can be bothered, could be next week sometime.....maybe...hey, who cares?

  14. I agree that the state has failed in pushing the discredited creed of multiculturalism on all of us.

    The state has failed all our children by having an educational system which assumes failure and has low expectations of those who use it. The state has failed by having a welfare system based on 'need' rather than what has been contributed.

    If you were looking for a way to ruin two or more generations of black men (or men in general)you couldn't do better than have content free progressive education coupled with shame free non contributory benefits.

  15. XX Gabriel said...

    I also noted the name Ochaine. Chosen because it rhymes with Cocaine? XX

    No. It IS Cocaine, but the state failed them, and they are dyslexic.

  16. Maybe a functioning educational system would have prevented this woman calling their child ochaine.

    The state encouraged then to fail by not having expectations of them.

  17. Farenheit,

    Your posts imply that if the State had not 'let down' blacks, they'd be fine, upstanding members of civilized society.

    I heartily disagree. Our attempts at civilizing these people has failed, and they simply revert to type.

    We have not made them like this; this is, mostly, just what they are like.

  18. @ Noggin the Nog

    Having lived in Africa, mostly the African people are lovely hospitable people - and I've been to many a Zulu wedding and funeral.

    But in any society, there are those at the bottom end that really don't give a shit. About themselves or anyone else. These are the clients of the Left and it is in the Left's best interests that they remain that way - otherwise the Left has no reason to help themselves to other people's money.

  19. Henry, keeping people at the bottom, on the bottom, provides all the jobs that the average not too bright middle class leftie could want. Equality jobs, social work jobs, vague sounding jobs with the word 'facilitator' or 'outreach' in them.

    Some people will always self destruct though but maybe many more wouldn't have had they not been helped there by those who do evil whilst thinking they are doing good.

  20. Henry,

    I haven't got a problem with tribal war-lords doing their Zulu voodoo in Africa.

    It's when they do it here that I get pissed off with their stone age behaviour.

    Let's stop pretending that undeneath the skin, we're all the same, because it is painfully clear that we are not.

  21. Ochaine <-bing!
    The 47-year-old, who moved with her son to Edmonton from Vicarage Road, in Tottenham < - bing!
    Ms Espeut < - bing!
    His 27-year-old sister Camille Thelwell < - bing!
    We are not saying that he is an angel < - bing!
    Pastor Pat Agdomar, < - bing!
    ...wear an electronic tag. He was caught carrying a knife at school <-bing!

    Another piece of junk spat out through Sandra Espeut's gaping spout, another piece of genetic effluvia swirling around like the turd that won't flush.

  22. As far as Africans go, why are "yours" so different to "ours"?

    See, we have none of this "Yardie", prison "gang" type troubles with "our" Africans (BLACK Africans that is. NORTH Africans, aye, jus sand niggers, like all the othert muslims.)

    The difference? Na, Just a theory, but "ours" are AFRICAN Africans, not West Indian Africans.

    And most of them that I have met, are bloody great guys. (Not met any African Women, must admit).

    As I said, just a theory.

  23. Having spent some time in three East African countries, spent a little time in South Africa and spent some time in a couple of West African countries. I think I got a flavour of Africa. They are not like us. I agree there is good and bad but over all I wouldn't like to live amongst them.

  24. But on the other hand, at least in my experience, which differs greatly to my experience of blacks in the U.K, as I said, I have no problems with them (most of them any way) living amongst us.

    In limited numbers, of course. :-)

  25. "Oh dear! It's 'My little Billy wouldn't do that' syndrome writ large."

    Unfortunately, as WoaR points out, Mum hasn't really got a leg to stand on, given she';s been on the receiving end...

    "He will never contribute to society, probably father numerous children and thankfully not contribute one iota to their upbringing."

    Agreed. We don't need people like this in our society. I'm happy to write him off, even if the loony liberals aren't.

    "... look how the welfare state has encouraged irresponsibility in young men both black AND white, how could such twin disasterous policies NOT create antisocial wankstains? "

    Spot on!

    "Notice that, in accordance with the Yachtsman's law, ALL the members of every family involved in this case, even, apparently, mothers and their children, have different surnames."

    Oh, indeed!

  26. " I also noted the name Ochaine. Chosen because it rhymes with Cocaine?"

    God alone knows where they get it from - but the web has suggestions!

    "No. It IS Cocaine, but the state failed them, and they are dyslexic."


    "But in any society, there are those at the bottom end that really don't give a shit. About themselves or anyone else. "

    Quite so.

    "The difference? Na, Just a theory, but "ours" are AFRICAN Africans, not West Indian Africans."

    Oddly enough, there's said to be a LOT of bad blood between the West Indians & Jamaicans and the newly arrived African immigrants.

  27. I keep reading those words 'community' and 'society' and yet, I just can't quite picture what they must mean to people like this...

