Wednesday 10 October 2012

Oh, The Impact Of Those Terrible, Awful Cuts!

Pendle Council has created its first ever arts strategy to get more of its residents engaged with arts events.
The move comes after a national survey revealed Pendle was among the worst areas in the country for attending art events.
Oh, disaster! This cannot possibly be allowed to continue!

Quick, throw wheelbarrows full of public money at it! It's what you are used to doing, after all...
Adam Pearson, of Pendle Council’s research and policy team, said: “Whilst there is a great deal happening in Pendle in terms of entertainment and the arts, the latest engagement figures published by the Arts Council shows that Pendle is in the lowest 20 per cent of local authorities nationally for arts engagement.
“Just 38.3 per cent of respondents had attended an arts event or participated in an arts activity at least three times in the last 12 months.”
Oh, fetch the smelling salts! I’m having an attack of the vapours at the thought of such a cultural wasteland!
In November last year an arts network was formed to develop and deliver a partnership strategy to enhance the entertainment and arts on offer in Pendle.
The network has a vision to provide opportunities for residents and visitors to experience and participate in high quality activities, with the aim of Pendle becoming a place where entertainment and arts makes life better for everybody.
Yes, well, you've clearly tried this before and it didn't work out so well, eh?


  1. Wonder how long it will take them to make attendence compulsory?

  2. Bunny

    You will enjoy yourself and you will be cultured! A bit like Soviet Russia with every new town having a certain number of sculptures and a People's Palace of Culture. (Just for the record I live and work in a place called Slavutich, which is the last Soviet built 'city'.)

  3. Great opportunity for the jobsworths to do a bit of finger in the pie painting.

  4. Where are the Pendle Witches when you really need them?

  5. Pendle Council’s research and policy team... Are you freaking kidding me!! What the hell does a lumpy bit of Lancashire need with a public service division devoted to policies and researching stuff?

  6. XX What the hell does a lumpy bit of Lancashire need with a public service division devoted to policies and researching stuff? XX

    They have to have SOMETHING to make them feel important. It is a bit like Britain pretending it is still a world power, and any one really gives a flying FUCK what they have to say in world politics.

  7. "Wonder how long it will take them to make attendence compulsory?"

    Hey, don't give them ideas!

    "Where are the Pendle Witches when you really need them?"

    Oh, if only...

    "They have to have SOMETHING to make them feel important."

    Quite so!
