Tuesday 2 October 2012

Scouser Queensberry Rules...

A family member of Mr McCarthy, from West Derby, told the ECHO: “There were three couples that were all out, three females and three males.
“They were in a bar and they walked out to call a taxi. One of the girls with them had their bum pinched by somebody.”
She added: “They (doctors) worked on him for an hour last night. [He was] Tasered four times – you are not supposed to Taser anybody more than once. The kid’s fighting for his life.”
Sorry to burst your bubble there, love, but I think you'll find the police are entitled to Taser someone who is resisting arrest as many times as is needed to subdue them.
The family member added: “They were celebrating their friends having a new baby and the next thing you know they were in hospital [with James] fighting for his life.”
Yes, I'm absolutely positive there was nothing in between those two incidents.

The police just decided they had too much electricity in their Tasers, it was making them too heavy, and they'd better get rid of some.

You know what else you're 'not supposed to do'? Get drunk and drugged up and violent, and fight with the police.

Yes. Even in Liverpool!


  1. Sensible police restraint undoubtedly minimizes overall risks to members of public from their arsenal of firearms, Tasers and chemical weapons.

    For example, one bullet to the civilian brain can be survived. Two or three bullets to the head will almost certainly destroy key areas, whilst ten bullets is overkill for sure.

    Repeated electric shocks can eventually kill....although as a means of execution this is far less an efficient method than emptying the magazine of the gun into some unlucky individual, at point blank range.

    The compassionate Alabama State police devised the first prototype Taser (as a humane form of restraint) using modified cattle-prods during the Civil Rights Movement of the 60's. Taser subsequently evolved as the most effective instrument of torture ever devised by police; rapidly usurping old and trusted methods such as unofficial birching, mortal staircase vaulting and intensive water-boarding.

    In any event, how could the fate of anyone with a name like McCarthy upset anyone?

  2. Consider me knocked down with a feather Julia.......
    There they were,cheeky Scousers strolling down the road,discussing Shakespeare,quoting Greek prose and the nasty police for no reason just tasered them.They do that down there don't they???

  3. The penalty for resisting arrest was not, last time I looked, a good going over with 50,000 volts. I defy anyone to be standing after just one burst of a taser, 4 is completely unnecessary and, if correctly reported, this incident is yet more proof, if any were needed, that plod should not be allowed to add firearms to his already deadly arsenal of weapons .

    It should be noted that tasers and other electro shock weapons are considered by the law to be firearms, except when used by PC Barstard so excessively they cook some poor sod's internal organs. Then it's a restraint tool.

  4. What a surprise, Melvin T Windass and Noggin The Stupid weigh in straight away with their usual anti-police rhetoric. They weren't there of course and so have no idea of the situation the officers were faced with. Shame they weren't - the streets would be so much safer if these two fuckwits were on patrol. 'All Correct' ? No, any normal person who thinks this tosser was tasered for no good reason is a moron.

  5. Well said anon 1804.
    Like flies round s**t which is why Julia posts stories like this one-to provoke debate.
    Await incoming where they criticise my spelling,it's only a matter of time.
    PS Where are you Broxted/Rehill etc etc,your mates are here already.

  6. Anon,

    Read my comment, not what you think I wrote.


    Same to you. I have never criticized your spelling and I am no mate of this other bloke you seem unhealthily obsessed with.

    I never said the man was innocent, I never said he should not have been arrested, never said he should not have been restrained.

  7. Jaded is to be complimented on her spelling and General Knowledge. Only last week she took her brain to a Trivia quiz and her team might have won if the jar hadn't broken on the pub steps.

  8. NTN-the spelling comment was aimed at Melvin.
    If not restrained by taser he would have had to be CS'd or hit(possibly,I wasn't there).They often cause more injuries than taser.He could have been restrained by physical force or weight of numbers,if there are enough PC's to cope obviously,and that could mean everyone gets hurt.
    The days of shouting "come on chaps let's stop the fisticuffs" are long gone i'm afraid.

  9. Jaded,

    I don't dispute that you have to do a sometimes difficult job with some very undesirable people at times. Violence is sometimes necessary. Measured, restrained violence. Violence only so far as is needed in order to restrain someone from hurting themselves, yourselves or others.

    I did stress in my first comment that IF the report of him being tasered 4 times was true, I think that excessive. 1 burst is enough to drop any man, woman or even most beasts. 2 is very dangerous, 3 is just asking for trouble and 4 is torture.

    I persoanally think that the taser is useful when operated correctly. You should not be expected to have to wrestle with a drunken giant and just hope for,the best. As is usually the way though, even if this case is not as reported, plod can and will abuse his power, all 50,000 volts of it, and use the thing as a weapon to inflict pain for the sake of it, to teach matey a lesson. Inevitably, innocents get zapped and some people die through excessive use. Whilst the numbers of deaths and serious injuries are not huge, they are large enough to suggest that if weapons that were specifically designed to kill and inflict maximum injury were to become standard issue, the propensity of plod to go to far will lead to a sky -rocketing of shootings, of crims, plods and the odd passer by.

    The Police have repeatedly proved themselves untrustworthy with batons and tasers, even boots and fists, and this is why they should never be allowed to carry guns as standard issue.

    BTW I'm not anti police, nor am I a fly around shit. I'm anti criminals in uniform getting away with murder, assault and sundry other forms of nefarious activity.

  10. Good evening, Jaded.

    "Like flies round s**t"

    Oh, dear. Plebeian vulgarity again! You have good reason to be more generously disposed towards a blog offering a cuisine of truly scrumptious treats.

    In my case I have a weakness for one particular temptation on the sweet trolley. The pleasure of tearing into English fruit fool, is without peer.

  11. Billhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avAH49NY_ Nog, He has defied you! "Measured, restrained violence. Violence only so far as is needed in order to restrain someone from hurting themselves, yourselves or others." Nothing in the news report says otherwise.2 October 2012 at 21:10



    He has defied you!

    "Measured, restrained violence. Violence only so far as is needed in order to restrain someone from hurting themselves, yourselves or others."

    Nothing in the news report says otherwise.

  12. Damn copy and paste!

  13. **1 burst is enough to drop any man, woman or even most beasts. 2 is very dangerous, 3 is just asking for trouble and 4 is torture.**
    In the real world things are different. I have seen handcuffs bend as the prisoner tries to twist his way out of them. A prisoner receive a whole tin of CS in the face then say 'If you do that again I'm going mad' A prisoner head butting a cell door hard enough to make it shake.
    Drugs, mental illness or excited delirium? I can understand that one or two jolts of electricity might not always do the job.

  14. Bunny,

    Just as a point of interest it isn't the volts that do the damage it is the current 50 000 volts and I use this guardedly isn't that bad. There is minimum current in these things, a couple of amps however can and does kill. Do not try this at home with a capcitor.

  15. Blue Knight,

    I don't doubt it, but the solution when dealing with such people cannot possibly be to electrocute them until their organs fail.

  16. "Consider me knocked down with a feather Julia......."

    I know, what are the odds, eh?

    " I defy anyone to be standing after just one burst of a taser, 4 is completely unnecessary..."

    Let's not forget we only have the word of a relative that it was used four times. Let's also remember the relatives of Mark Duggan swearing blind he was going about his lawful business and had no gun, no sir!

    Shortly before one of them was busted for drugs.

    Hmmm... Seeing a pattern?

    "If not restrained by taser he would have had to be CS'd or hit(possibly,I wasn't there)."

    Quite so.

    "I persoanally think that the taser is useful when operated correctly."

    I'm sure it - like all tools - works fine in those demo videos from the manufacturer. Under 'battle' conditions? Maybe not so much...

  17. "Nothing in the news report says otherwise."

    Quite so. The IPCC is now on the case, so I'm sure we'll find out.

    "Drugs, mental illness or excited delirium? I can understand that one or two jolts of electricity might not always do the job."

    Indeed. The very fact that he didn't stop when 'painted' with the targetting laser (as so many immediately do) might be significant.

    "...but the solution when dealing with such people cannot possibly be to electrocute them until their organs fail."

    We don't know cause of death yet. The heart failure may be unrelated.

    And it's got to be better than either hitting him with a big stick or piling on enough police that you risk positional asphyxiation, surely?

    One thing's for sure - in the main (there are always aberrations) you definitely WON'T get Tasered if you don't get bladdered and fight with the police.

    That those who do get a dose of the general grid concerns me not at all.

  18. @ Juliam
    "One thing's for sure - in the main (there are always aberrations) you definitely WON'T get Tasered if you don't get bladdered and fight with the police." Eh?

    Anyway, a number of comments appear on your blog above which purport to be those of genuine police.

    Appearing as responses to reasonable civilian points, are the crude attempts to smear anyone raising a rightful concern. What is self-evident requires no critique but how sad it is, when UK police stoop to silencing or discrediting the law-abiding who have dared to speak out against the worst of police.

    There was absolutely no justification for vile and obscene abuse nor claims that Noggin the Nog was 'stupid'. On the other hand, those points of concern raised by civilians have been vindicated by the 'Gadget' manner of police responses.

  19. MTG - give it a rest, you protest too much and often attempt to make capityal out of really minor points and are obsessed with your perception that the police officers of today are all thick fuckwits. The reality is that the majority will have degrees or other further education qualifications - more than pre-1990's when a 5 'O' levels or a pass at the basic police literacy/numeracy test would get you in. If they are thick in your mind then that is a societal problem. MTG, what did you do before t'interweb? Write 20 page leters in spidery handwriting on tracing paper in green ink or use a portable Olivetti with two letters missing? You really are a sad fucker!

  20. To the brave, anonymous plod at 08:08

    No, I don't think I will 'give it a rest', thank you. Put away the cake, clean out that dirty mouth and tear yourself away from the radiator. Visit a burglary victim or do a little something to save April Jones.

    I must dash now. It is my task to earn the hard cash that supports public purse parasites.

  21. I think I got a bite there.
    MTG dear, you really are a sad little single issue troll.
    After you've been for your weekly mental health check please let all us readers know how many times you were tasered as you went about your lawful business in Huddersfield today. Don't confine it to tasering, include the number of beatings, with ASPs or fist or even boots, how many times six or more officers jumped on you for no reason and tried to restrain you; let's not omit the number of occasions you have had CS or another incapacitant applied whilst you were waiting in Boots for your prescription. If only!

  22. MTG, your remark re April Jones shows you up for the disgusting creature you are.

  23. 'After you've been for your weekly mental health check please let all us readers know how many times you were tasered as you went about your lawful business in Huddersfield today.'

    He doesn't live in Liverpool?

    c'est ne pas possible!

    Damned by geography.

  24. Melvin if only we could silence you.The fact that we can't shows that this country is nowhere near a police state.
    I hope you didn't get tasered today.

  25. Not even going to bother to comment on the story 'cept getting Pissed Up, Drugged Up and Kicking Off is fast becoming a local sport for which we'll be setting up League Tables, Scoreboards and Pools to win money on next.

    The shame of Scousers bringing down Liverpool and Liverpudlians never ends.

    Jaded - "They do that down there don't they???"

    Nice little play there on "de do doh don't de doh" ;)

    /Plastic Scouser approves.

  26. 'The reality is that the majority will have degrees or other further education qualifications - more than pre-1990's when a 5 'O' levels or a pass at the basic police literacy/numeracy test would get you in.'

    But this means sweet FA.

  27. But this means sweet FA.

    Exactly Louise, exactly! So why does the MTG troll consistently harp on about educational qualifications as if these things mean anything these days given our general education system.

  28. "So why does the MTG troll consistently harp on...

    Because he can. Free Speech and all that.

    However, The Right to Free Speech doesn't guarantee a Right To Anyone Listening...or even A Right To A Response...donchaknow.

    Rule Number One on t'internet...with anyone, frankly...is: Engage at own risk.

    All this personal flaming lately is getting on my tits.

    Sorry Julia....

  29. What about when a load of bizzies murdred that down syndrome lad in wavertree ,liverpool.
    Shot him in the back of the head when he was running away in the opposite direction they did.
