Thursday 8 November 2012

It's A Fairly Easily Answered Question...

A couple are living in a tent in the woods after being evicted from their home for extreme antisocial behaviour.
Looking at the photographs of them, I think my main response is ”’A couple’ of what..?” Certainly not humans…
The couple, said to have threatened neighbours and turned the council property into a drugs den, are also banned from the Tollers Estate.
Miss Goode's daughter Ashley, 26, who shared her house at 124 Goodenough Way, has gone to stay with her gran.
The 47-year-old said: "This is very hard for Ashley. She came to see us in the tent one night and said, 'Why are you living like this?'"
Because you just can’t behave like people, instead of like animals.


  1. Robert the Biker8 November 2012 at 12:18

    Never understood this, do people not have friends anymore? Had this piece of crap abused me or my friends we would have buried him in those woods; not out of nastiness but because that's how you deal with a rabid dog. Too much tolerance and hand wringinging and 'but they're victims of society'. Bullshit!

  2. Obviously Mr Norfolk is taking "wild living" seriously by dispensing with clothes...

  3. 'their home'?

    Funny, that; when the police boarded it up in October, it was 'Wendy Goode's home' and Norfolk was the 'former boyfriend' who made her life 'a misery':

    "all I can stop him doing is coming into my property, which I have been doing."

    Not any more, obviously.

  4. Here's hoping for a hard winter, might finish them off and do society a favour.

  5. Bit unfair on animals - I've checked out my local wooded areas and not one animal run absolute shitehole drugs den in evidence. Which was no surprise.

    Returning to our "tent dwellers" better perhaps to use terms like "repeatedly proven totally extraneous carbon based leech like life form of entirely negative value"

  6. Bunny

    The one cheerful thing about being an expat is that my hard earned money hasn't gone to keep scum like this in a standard of living that the majority of the world's people would be amazed at. Now they get to see how a lot of the rest of the planet live. Not a bad new story then.

  7. Anonymous - "Returning to our "tent dwellers" better perhaps to use terms like "repeatedly proven totally extraneous carbon based leech like life form of entirely negative value"

    Bit of a gobfull that...try "sub-human".

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Or alternatively a snappy acronym: "feral underclass currently keeping warm in tents", perhaps.

  10. Does this chap's employer know about his domestic situation? Oh! Yeah, of course... he's probably never had a job in his life or had to provide for himself or kin.


  11. "Obviously Mr Norfolk is taking "wild living" seriously by dispensing with clothes..."


    "...and Norfolk was the 'former boyfriend' who made her life 'a misery'"

    You know, I thought I'd heard this before, even blogged it, but couldn't find it on a search...

    "The one cheerful thing about being an expat is that my hard earned money hasn't gone to keep scum like this in a standard of living that the majority of the world's people would be amazed at."

    It's enough to make me emigrate!

    "Or alternatively a snappy acronym: "feral underclass currently keeping warm in tents", perhaps."

