Friday 23 November 2012

This Is What Happens When The Police Are No Longer Trusted…

Vigilante gangs are starting to emerge on Canvey following a string of violent robberies. Residents are threatening to take matters into their hands - after three robberies were committed in the space of 48 hours.
 What else are they expected to do? Just pay their council tax for a non-service?
One man, who would not be named, said people had enough and had been talking about taking the law into their own hands.
He said: “There has been a spate of muggings, burglaries and robberies on Canvey and now a vigilante group are out after blood. People have been out there in cars trying to search for the robbers, and taking baseball bats trying to hunt them down.
“They are trying to take matters into their own hands because there doesn't seem to have been any response from the police.”
Who can blame them, when even their pets are at risk, not just their possessions? So, are the police cognisant of this danger to their future, and determined to do all they can to put this breach of trust right?
Supt Andy Prophet said: “We’ve heard reports that some people in Canvey have said they will carry out patrols but we can’t condone such activities.
“If people want to help us we would prefer that they dial 999 if they witness a crime in progress or call 101 if the information is less urgent.
“Residents can also help by setting up Neighbourhood Watch groups or by joining the Special Constabulary. ”
That'll be 'no' then. And if you can't see the writing on the wall, Andy, you're no Prophet...


  1. All the whiners and handwringers will be out in force on this one; vigilantes, society-to-blame, misunderstood yoof, all the rest of the bollocks.
    Vigilance commitees come into existance ONLY when the law is seen as powerless or corrupt and, guess what, they work very well indeed; a few scrotes lieing in the gutter with the shit kicked out of them will soon encourage the others.

  2. Robert, you are right there. Vigilantism only appears when the police and the courts stop doing their job.

    We've had 40 odd years of trying to manage crime with more carrot and less stick for understandably humanitarian reasons. Sadly this process has not either helped the mad nor punished the bad.

    The experiment in progressive justice has failed. In trying to make the justice system humane and effective it stopped pursuing justice.

    The police and the courts forgot the exhortation that 'justice, justice shall you pursue'. Justice isn't always about non punishment.

  3. This all started with the enquirys into the Toxteth (Liverpool) and Brixton (London) riots in 81.

    "Sus" law repealled, Stop and search, repealled, "P.A.C.E", then came the "P.C" crap on top of it.

    You in Britain, and we here, need more "Take them down a back alley and have a word" coppering, (Gene Hunt) and less "SWP (Remember them?) "He is a victim of his circumstances!"


  5. As Chief Wiggum once said when his phone wouldn't stop ringing;"Can't more of you take the law into your own hands?"
    I'm all for it.

  6. and yet still the Howard League for Penal Reform lobbies for an end to custodial sentences, the mad old fruit-bat Dame Anne Owers was a pain in the prison arse when HMI of Prisons - thankfully she has moved onto the IPCC where things can only get worse.

  7. I never get tired of watching 'Deathwish'

  8. "All the whiners and handwringers will be out in force on this one..."

    Wait'll they see what I've got lined up for today. They'll be apoplectic!

    "The experiment in progressive justice has failed. In trying to make the justice system humane and effective it stopped pursuing justice. "

    Spot on!

    "As Chief Wiggum once said when his phone wouldn't stop ringing;"Can't more of you take the law into your own hands?""


    Bit hard on the elderly, though, and the naturally wimpy. Do we have to have a 'Magnificent Seven' scenario for them?

    "I never get tired of watching 'Deathwish'"

    Or its modern equivalent, 'Harry Brown'...
