Tuesday 13 November 2012

When All You Have Is A Hammer…

A driver took a turn for the worse after she smashed through two bollards and ended up on a tramline. The motorist had become confused with her sat-nav and drove onto the tracks on Friday night with a tram only a few minutes away. She couldn't drive off as her car became lodged.
Emergency services were called to the help the woman who drove into trouble near Sandilands tram stop.
Whew! Another clown who shouldn’t have a driving license but all’s well in the end, and we can all laugh about it, right?
Bob Crow, from the RMT Union, who took the picture of the stranded driver, said it was lucky nobody was hurt.
Well, quite.
He said: "The incident also exposes the real impact of cuts to security and staffing which has left our transport services vulnerable to this kind of madness."
Ummmm…. What?

Is Bob Crow suggesting that, but for the cuts to security and staffing, this woman wouldn't have driven on to the tracks?

Is it too much to ask exactly how…?


  1. Exactly How ? Well, she would have pulled over into one of the many "driver advice points" dotted around the Croydon Tramlink Network and sought the assistance of an "in-car hazardous tramlines and other hazards avoidance consultant" who would have sat next to her shouting "watch out!" at appropriate moments. Having successfully negotiated the scene she would have dropped off the "in-car hazardous tramlines and other hazards avoidance consultant" at the nearest "driver advice point" to where she exited the area of the Croydon Tramlink Network, to await his or her next "concerned motorist requiring assistance" But all the driver advice points and in car consultants have gone now. Because of the cuts. As Bob pointed out.

  2. Isn't it a funny coincidence that Comrade Bob just happened to be there?

  3. Perhaps she was using an RMT issued Satnav and Bolshy Bob was trying to shift the blame - not that he has ever done anything like that before, of course!

  4. Stonyground says:

    It is rather amusing that Bob is against certain things, so according to his rather limited logic, anything bad that happens must have been caused by those things that he is against.

    Regarding sat-navs, there seems to be some pretty nonsensical comments under the link. My take is that they are a very useful tool but you have to understand that they are not perfect. In the past, I have had to find my way around using a combination of maps, road-signs and asking for directions, if you are driving on your own this is far from ideal. On holiday, I used to drive while Mrs. Stonyground would map-read, this worked very well but I think that using a sat-nav works marginally better.

    With a sat-nav, problems can occur at oddly shaped junctions where the sat-nav's instructions can be difficult to interpret, and on sections of newly built road that are not yet on your database, which is a little expensive to keep bang up to date. These problems can be dealt with as long as you don't abandon your common sense. Which brings us back to the OP.

  5. BTW knocking politely on drug dealers doors is one of the funniest things written on here by you armchair experts.It won't happen,it's a stupid idea.
    Traces of drugs? Have you been watching too much CSI Southend Julia?
    If the police smash a door in and find drugs then the druggy pays for the damage,if we find nothing then we pay.Drugs flushed down the toilet don't count.

  6. Always good for a laugh is Jaded;

    "If the police smash a door in and find drugs then the druggy pays for the damage,if we find nothing then we pay".

    We pay ? We pay ? Wot, you lads and lasses have a whip-round in the canteen do you? Or do you mean "the taxpayer pays" - as always.

  7. "But all the driver advice points and in car consultants have gone now. Because of the cuts. As Bob pointed out."


    "Isn't it a funny coincidence that Comrade Bob just happened to be there?"

    I was wondering that! Nice to see he does do some actual work, I suppose. If you can call it that...

    "We pay ? We pay ? Wot, you lads and lasses have a whip-round in the canteen do you? Or do you mean "the taxpayer pays" - as always. "

    Oh, indeed!

    And even when they are clearly at fault, the police have a habit of attempting to wriggle out of paying for it.

    So, Jaded, either your farce is an exemplary one, or it's one that is very confused about which section of the populace it's here to serve...

  8. "So, Jaded, either your farce is an exemplary one, or it's one that is very confused about which section of the populace it's here to serve..."

    If there is one example where clarity of thought by the Met can be in no doubt, it is with regard to whom it presently serves.

  9. Is Bob Crow suggesting that, but for the cuts to security and staffing, this woman wouldn't have driven on to the tracks?

    I think he very much is - don't ask me how.
