Saturday 29 December 2012

And What Do You Think Now, Magistrates?

A mum who admitted screaming at an Indian to go back to her own country and being drunk in charge of a child was praised by magistrates for getting her life back on track.
Kelly Kociela, 31, abused an Indian member of staff at Sainsbury's Local on the corner of Longmead Avenue and Gloucester Road before being stopped by police during the afternoon while swigging from a can of lager with her children , six and ten, in tow.
Lovely, I'm sure you'll agree.
Magistrates told her: "Normally we would be looking at probation intervention. However we do see that you are making sterling efforts to get your life back on track and engaging with agencies that can help you."
That was back in March. And since then?
A mother who turned up at her children's school while drunk has been banned from the premises after she bit the deputy headteacher on the arm.
Kelly Kociela appeared 'emotional and slurring' when she turned up at Filton Avenue Junior and Infant School, in Bristol, where she demanded to take her two youngsters from a club. She then became abusive to staff in a 30 minute ordeal during which she bit teacher Matthew Cox, Bristol magistrates heard.
Shocker, I'm sure you'll agree...
The court heard she had previous convictions for being drunk in charge of a child in 2005, 2006, 2007 and this year and she will be sentenced on January 17.
Magistrates bailed her on condition she complies with an existing Bristol City Council restraining order banning her from the school.
Because she did such a sterling job of obeying the last one!


  1. She... bit a teacher on the arm?!

    I hope she had her shots afterwards.

  2. Kociela....beautiful British name!

  3. "...she had previous convictions for being drunk in charge of a child in 2005, 2006, 2007 and this year"

    Yes, after the apparently sober spell in 2008-2011 she does finally seem to be back on track. Clever folk those magistrates, almost Sherlock like powers of observation.

  4. Good job she is not a UKIP supporter or she might have had her children taken away.

  5. Ah yes, Filton Avenue school. Someone I knew once worked there and heard of the headmistress being nutted by a mother.

    Probably though that was just a member of the oppressed underclass exercising their right to protest about education. As this was many years ago maybe nothing changes much in that part of the world...

  6. Drunken Kelly Kociela is consistent at least, she can't keep Cox out of her mouth.

    Labour pin-up girl Kelly, who sports a lovely butterfly tattoo on her right wrist, helps to remind us of the genetic equivalent of that gunk you get in a flophouse bathtub plughole.

    Subhuman, derelict of duty and unworthy to live. The diastole of Labour, ladies and gentlemen, giving them their solid 35% of the vote no matter what happens.

    Until voting is restricted to humans, we are stuck with growing numbers of them. True, some of them exterminate each other and themselves. But, alas, too few.

  7. Harsh but true 20R.

  8. John Pickworth, you get the feeling that magistrates should be doing a little bit of Googling to help their investigations. It's so easy now-a-days to search on someone's name to find all their past misdemeanours. If they did they'd realise that their conditions and 2nd chances never work.

  9. "Ah, I know the area well."

    I don't. I'm very glad to say!

    "I hope she had her shots afterwards."

    It won't be long before they have to issue inner-school staff with those electrified riot shields the cops use when they are busting a drugs den guarded by the 'family pet'...

    "Yes, after the apparently sober spell in 2008-2011 she does finally seem to be back on track. "

    Does make you wonder about the supposedly Sober Years, doesn't it?

    "Drunken Kelly Kociela is consistent at least, she can't keep Cox out of her mouth."


  10. "She admitted downing three to four pint of lagers"

    In which English-speaking country is this considered anything other than gibberish?

    Oh, and inevitably she is pregnant with another child.
