Thursday 13 December 2012

On The Second Day Of Christmas, The Progressives Gave To Me...

...bah humbug, please save the Earth!
So effectively have governments, the media and advertisers associated consumption with prosperity and happiness that to say these things is to expose yourself to opprobrium and ridicule. Witness last week's edition of Radio 4's The Moral Maze, in which most of the panel lined up to decry the idea of consuming less, and to associate it somehow with authoritarianism.
When the world goes mad, those who resist are denounced as lunatics. Bake them a cake, write them a poem, give them a kiss, tell them a joke, but for God's sake stop trashing the planet to tell someone you care. All it shows is that you don't.
I won't bother to soil my hands tearing the Moonbat's column to shreds because Tim Worstall has already done a splendid job...

Also, irrefutable evidence that, at heart, their desire to control the language knows no bounds.


  1. Would that be the George Moonbat who has about two dozen titles for sale on Amazon and hopes that people will consume them at about £20 a pop?

    Or don't books count as consumption?

  2. Not all Xmas gifts are useless, Julia. Chernobyl souvenirs may cost less than a rouble yet these glowing tributes are guaranteed to last a lifetime. Anyway, it's the thought that counts.

    A radiant Xmas to you, WC Jaded.

  3. Melvin-your obsession grows daily.

  4. Crabwaladr Moonpatch13 December 2012 at 22:48

    George knows what's best for everyone. George is God. Can we crucify him, now?

  5. Melvin you have got the currency wrong, Chernobyl is in Ukraine, which has the Hreavener as the local currency and not the rouble. Also security is pretty tight for removing items for ChNPP or the Exclusion Zone. My favourite bit in Chernobyl,is during the summer time, when all the security troops are walking round with ice creams and assult rifles.

  6. Dear Anon at 03:02
    The currency of the Ukraine (introduced post disaster) is the Grivna; also spelt Hryvnia or even Cancer but never 'Hreavener'.

    At the time of Soviet control, contaminated weapons-grade plutonium was hurriedly transported from Pripyat to Obninsk, where it is still made into KGB umbrella tips; blended with vodka or made into other specialised exports to the West.

  7. "Or don't books count as consumption?"

    Perhaps he hopes they'll all be e-books?

    Which will, somehow, magically arrive on the Kindle powered by... err, pixie dust?

    "George knows what's best for everyone. George is God. Can we crucify him, now?"

    Or just stop believing in him?

    " My favourite bit in Chernobyl,is during the summer time, when all the security troops are walking round with ice creams and assult rifles."


  8. Dear Anon 06:25, Melvin, MTG or whichever personality is in charge today,

    Don't the Ukrainians speak in Cyrillic, like the Russians?

    That being the case, their unit of currency, the 'гривня', is transliterated into the English (Latin) alphabet. The spelling can be something of a movable feast, as long as the correct pronunciation is rendered. So, you say 'Hryvnia', I say 'Hreavener', let's call the whole thing off!

  9. Dear Paul or Calvin

    I suppose a faulty transmogrifier could make such an error.
