Thursday 6 December 2012

PTSD..? Really..?

Neath Magistrates Court heard that Ryan Lewis Morgan, 18, of James Street, Taibach, had fired the .177 rifle from a property in Fairway in October.
The court was told the victim, Rhys Thomas, was on his way to work when he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen when walking past the home.
The dart with which he was shot penetrated two layers of his clothing, causing a small puncture wound.
It didn't need ‘CSI:Port Neath’ to determine the trajectory, either.
Officers went to the property where Morgan admitted he had aimed a shot through the letter box following an argument with his mother and his "head was in the shed".
He said he didn't aim the rifle at anyone and didn't think he had hit anyone.
Given it was Wales, I'm only surprised someone else’s head wasn't ‘in the shed’!
Probation officer Greg Flowers told the court that Morgan realised the seriousness of his actions and said he (Morgan) suffers from a series of health complaints including post- traumatic stress disorder and memory loss.
PTSD? Oh, how sad.

So…what caused this condition? War? A natural disaster?
In mitigation, defence solicitor Jon Lewis added: "Originally the family came from the Cardiff area around eight or nine years ago. Ryan's father was imprisoned for a serious offence in the Cardiff area.
"His mother formed a relationship with a Port Talbot man who passed away earlier this year. "He is now living with his brother. It is self-evident the young man has plainly lost his way."
Ah. OK. Well, if a typical underclass upbringing is going to cause PTSD, I think we need to invest in a LOT more psychiatrists!
Morgan, who pleaded guilty to assault and to firing a weapon, was given a 12-month community order, a 12-month supervision order, and will be required to complete a thinking skills programme.
Ah. Of course. Where would we be without the Thinking Skills programme?

But is there no shame in Britain any more? Well, clearly*, no:
"I worked undercover for eight years," he told the Mail on Sunday. "My superiors knew who I was sleeping with but chose to turn a blind eye because I was getting such valuable information
They did nothing to prevent me falling in love." Kennedy says since he was unmasked he has been diagnosed as suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome. His wife, Edel, has filed for divorce, and is seeking compensation for "emotional trauma".

*H/T: Mike Power via email


  1. Hee hee - it's Bingo! We have a winner - step forward and collect your prizes! It's at times like this that desks prevent headbutting one's knees. As our Australian cousins may say 'strewth with bells on'.

  2. I'm just waiting for the first barrister to put forward a mitigating claim of 'pre-traumatic stress disorder' caused by the fear of being arrested and sent to prison if caught.

  3. Lovin' the phrase "head was in the shed"... I'm now officially on a shameless mission to use it everywhere.

    Less persuaded by the PTSD excuse. Surely the judges should be challenging these fools that blame drugs, abuse as a child, video nasties, the death of Princess Diana and cosmic rays for their momentary lapses into crime?

  4. John Pickworth said... Lovin' the phrase "head was in the shed"...

    Me too hehe.

    That Kennedy bloke appears to be the very first man on the entire planet completely incapable of separating sex and emotion.

    He should be immortalised in bronze.

    /sarc off

  5. Will he be removing said head from shed to attend the thinking skills program on his behalf? Will he also be attending? As he is obviously capable of acting thoughtlessly, will it make any difference?

  6. No shame indeed. Whatever happened to the old but honourable underpants on the head and breadsticks up the nostrils defence? `Wibble` my arse.

  7. I heard some idiot doctor on newsnight last week relating how she had PTSD from witnessing her mother's death. It wasn't a violent death - she died of natural causes. PTSD is 'shell shock' in old money, not "I'm a bit upset because I had a bad experience"

    FFS what has happened to this country?

  8. Dr C, personally, I blame Walt Disney.

    Not content with convincing a generation that all animals lived side by side in harmony (except lemmings, who bravely sacrificed themselves for the good of their species), he set about brainwashing his audience into a belief that 'happy ever after' was the default setting for life.

    Two generations on, we have a population that regards the vicissitudes of life as a personal affront for which someone, somewhere, should offer them compensation.

  9. XX "They did nothing to prevent me falling in love."

    His wife, Edel, has filed for divorce, and is seeking compensation for "emotional trauma". XX

    Not because he was shagging witnesses/informants, oh no, THAT does not bring any money in, does it?

  10. I'm not sure if Kennedys supposed problems will make police more or less likely to want to work undercover.
    Let's have a heated debate.

  11. @Macheath

    I also hold Disney responsible for every chav in the world referring to their daughter as their 'Princess'

  12. It seems today that no one takes responsibility for their own actions. Some idiot drinks 2 'free' pints of beer even though he intends driving home but it's not his fault; someone points a gun onto a street and pulls the trigger and is suprised that the dart hits someone but it's not his fault; an undercover copper consensually sleeps with a shedload of slutty, unwashed, grow your own sandals, females who are unable to keep their knickers on but it's not his (or their) fault. Some grubby media celebrity gropes females of uncertain ages, but it's not his fault; Harriet Harman keeps breathing, but it's not her fault. The list appears to be endless. Jail the drunk and the shooter, laugh the copper (and his harem) out of court, castrate the media celeb (providing he's found to be guilty of course) and someone buy a new pillow for Harriet. Job done, problem solved.

  13. Anonymous - "Harriet Harman keeps breathing, but it's not her fault.

    LOL, LOL and thrice LOL

  14. PTSD is real enough - but the origin of the trauma is more or less impossible to pin down. The idea you can get it porking some protest doxie is in the STD toilet-seat league.

  15. "As our Australian cousins may say 'strewth with bells on'."


    "I'm just waiting for the first barrister to put forward a mitigating claim of 'pre-traumatic stress disorder'..."

    Blimey, don't give 'em ideas!

    "PTSD is 'shell shock' in old money, not "I'm a bit upset because I had a bad experience""

    Spot on! It's a disgrace that it's being used so shamelessly.

    "The idea you can get it porking some protest doxie is in the STD toilet-seat league."

    Well, quite!
