Wednesday 12 December 2012

So, She Has Some Standards then...

...I mean, letting her 14 year old daughter try for a baby with a 16 year old who has previous convictions for dishonesty, theft, handling stolen goods, non dwelling burglary and shop lifting, and who is 'not socially aware' and of 'extremely low intelligence' is one thing.

But when you find out he isn't 16 at all, well!
Kenneth Bell, prosecuting, said the girl was 14 and Rudge was 18 when they had a sexual relationship.
He said "In March Mr Rudge was introduced to "the girl's" mother as her boyfriend.
"He said he was 16 but the mother found out he was 18.
"She became concerned and informed Social Services.
"She tried to stop the relationship to no avail and the police became involved."
Mother of the year, I think you'll agree?


  1. Which year? Around a million BC?

  2. Jennifer Tallentire, defending, told the court a psychological report on her client revealed he was a man of "extremely low intelligence"

    "He thinks and behaves as someone much younger than his chronological age and this was probably a relationship of equals in a mental sense."

    It sounds very much like it, if this was the potential father the girl had chosen for her offspring.

    What's the opposite of evolution?

  3. Where else do you think Labour voters are going to come from?

  4. I should be very surprised to think that this is an unusual case these days. It was probably worse in the past.

  5. Humans are evolving into two species. Those that have ascended from apes - and those that have descended from apes. Looks like species two in this case.

  6. "Which year? Around a million BC?"


    "What's the opposite of evolution?"

    Whatever it is, it's accelerating!

    "Humans are evolving into two species. Those that have ascended from apes - and those that have descended from apes. Looks like species two in this case."

    Spot on!
