Sunday 30 December 2012

The 'Mainly Fail' Won't Change In 2013, I'm Betting...

Good old 'Daily Mail'. First, the headline:

Wow! A stuffed tiger, eh? Better click on the story.

Hmmm, hedging our bets are we? Now it's just 'stuffed animals':

And here's the ex-beast itself, identified in the caption as a jaguar.

It's clearly a leopard. Even for the 'Mail', that's impressive FAIL! you have to admit...


  1. Oh, come on! These two cats share remarkably similar physical attributes; both rosette patterns exhibiting very wide variance.

    It's not as though your life depended upon an ability to 'spot' the difference between a gun and a table leg, is it?

  2. There is a coat in that sequence which is absolutely beautiful. Very good mushroom wool with a grey silk lining and a generous hood which drapes like a shawl collar.

    Unfortunately, it belongs to the lady who is viewing the goods and is presumably not for sale. I doubt very much if anything in that pile of tat is going to appeal to her; it's all too gaudy and is probably over-priced, although she might be able to salvage some parts of it such as the fur collars.

  3. Even on a post about a jaguar or a leopard that idiot Melvin manages to turn the subject into a snide attack on the police.Congratulations.Have you ever considered the idea of getting a life?

  4. @ WOAR

    Male suits aside, "that pile of tat" is an apt description of this tasteless and vulgar collection.

  5. Animal identification issues aside, I love the "*and even* table football" - I mean, really, have impoverished, working-class Mail journalists (or rather their curtain-twitching pebble-dashed semi-dwelling readers never come across such decadent entertainment themselves? I had no idea the patrons of certain pubs I've frequented could be seen as so sophisticated.

  6. "Oh, come on! These two cats share remarkably similar physical attributes.."

    Superficially, yes.

    "...although she might be able to salvage some parts of it such as the fur collars."


    "...Animal identification issues aside, I love the "*and even* table football" "

    It's those telling little quirks I hope the 'Mail' never loses!
