Friday 11 January 2013

Everyone's Working With Everyone Else...

...but no-one's actually doing anything...
Frail and elderly residents of sheltered housing in north Hull say their lives are being made a misery by a gang of yobs who have torched a car and pelted windows with eggs.
Time for the forces of law and order to swing into action? Or will they wait until one of their own is affected?
A spokesman for Sanctuary Housing, a national housing association, said: "We are aware of problems to do with antisocial behaviour in the area and we are working closely with Hull Citysafe to address the concerns of tenants."
The spokesman said the tenants' quality of life is important and its staff are working closely with Humberside Police, Hull City Council and other agencies to tackle antisocial behaviour. He said: "We are taking this very seriously."
Justine Mortimer, Hull City Council's neighbourhood nuisance manager, said: "The neighbourhood nuisance team is working with Humberside Police, Sanctuary Housing, Mr Chapman and other residents in the area to address reports of antisocial behaviour."
Ah. Well, I'm sure the tea and biscuits at the various meeting and briefings are of the highest quality...


  1. It is not "anti-social behaviour". It is criminal damage. Anti-social behaviour is playing loud music, or getting drunk and disturbing your neighbours.

    Clearly all those "lessons to be learned" after that disabled woman was hounded to death a few years ago have not even remotely been learned. She killed herself because the police and the rest of the chocolate teapots classified regular criminal acts, including abduction and threats to kill, as "anti-social behaviour" and so "nutting to do wiv me, guv".

    Oddly, if you torched a car outside your local nick the response might be a tiny bit more energetic. Still, they are only old people, who don't tend to kick up a fuss and have no powerful political lobby which has to be appeased, so fuck 'em I suppose.

  2. 'wank bingo' time....again. Lots seems to be going on, meetings and all that, action plans etc but actually FUCK ALL is being done for the VICTIMS.

  3. So what? It's Hull.

    We tried to tell them what Labour would do. Now they can reap the rewards.

  4. Have a whip round and buy the old dears a high powered hunting rifle. Anti social behaviour will soon stop.

  5. Have a whip round and buy the old dears a high powered hunting rifle. Anti social behaviour will soon stop.

    They're from Hull. They'll expect someone from the council to do the shooting.

    This is almost as much fun as watching someone who lives in Rochdale complaining about the immigrants.

  6. Chief Inspector Joy Ryder11 January 2013 at 19:43

    My Team has not only made successful inroads in dealing with this community problem for Hull residents but has won several Police Awards for our cost effective 'Earplugs for the Elderly' initiative.

    We are always on hand to provide advice and guidance and I take the opportunity to remind the public they should call us on the premium line anytime between 09:30 and 016:30 to access our best voicemail options.

  7. Working closely together towards a mutually beneficial solution.


  8. Don't these old people have grandsons ? 6 foot strapping built-like-a-brick-shithouse type grandsons ?

    For them's wot don't they're certainly available to hire round our way. Grand-daughters too...

    Clearly there's a gap in the market for some enterprising young things. Boost the economy and all that...

  9. "Clearly all those "lessons to be learned" after that disabled woman was hounded to death a few years ago have not even remotely been learned."

    Shocker, eh?

    "So what? It's Hull.

    We tried to tell them what Labour would do. Now they can reap the rewards."

    I suppose it's just possible they might not be Labour voters? Or voters at all!

    "Don't these old people have grandsons ? 6 foot strapping built-like-a-brick-shithouse type grandsons ?"

    Possibly. But what about the ones that don't? Isn't this why we - in theory - subcontract (and pay for) a police force to keep the peace?

  10. O.K. Arson is something else. But throwing eggs is just a "Nuisance"*

    AND, to DO anything, the police need to know WHO threw the eggs, and have a decent eye witness statement from more than one or two people.

    Other than that, they could waste thousands of tax payers money, turning up mob handed every time some one was seen in the area with an egg. Or a phone call came from the home.

    But then, you don't like THAT either, do you?

    Just what DO you want/expect the police to do?

    *(That WILL not look right.... Tried all kinds of spellings, and it STILL looks wrong...!)

  11. As a resident of hull, I know this team do not an awful lot as I have had issues with my neighbours all you get told is write it down and send it back to us so we can use it as evidence. More like we will look at it and do f£@k all with it
