Wednesday 9 January 2013

Exercise In Futility...

Cawthray, who has twice been jailed for rape, was locked up for life in 2002 after kidnapping a 14-year-old girl.
He grabbed the schoolgirl at a bus stop near Leeds and was dragging her towards a brook when he was disturbed and ran off.
A judge imposed an indeterminate sentence with a minimum recommendation of five years because of the risk Cawthray posed to young women. He was told he would not be released by the Parole Board until it was satisfied he no longer posed a risk and would then be on licence for life.
It didn't take them long to 'satisfy themselves' of his low risk potential, as he was moved to an open prison.

Sean Cawthray, 41, was last seen at the prison at 5.30pm on Sunday and is believed to have absconded before 8.30pm.
Shocker, I'm sure you'll agree.
Detective Inspector Dominic Graham, of South Gloucestershire CID, said: "We are committed to locating, returning to custody and charging anyone unlawfully at large.
"Officers work closely with HMP Leyhill and other police forces to track down absconders promptly and keep any potential risk to the public to a minimum."
I guess you get a lot of practice?


  1. Robert the Biker9 January 2013 at 09:51

    Chop the shitbox up and feed him to the pigs; THAT will make the public safe!
    Scum do not appreciate their second chances, time for a 'three strikes and you VANISH' policy.

  2. The Criminality of the Injustice system laid before us in all its glory.

    Sentences that aren't fully served in prisons that don't imprison.

    Nice soft repeat customers for the section of the police that want it, and a dispiriting message of "why even bother?" for the ever decreasing remainder who are on public's side.

    And as ever,trebles all round for the legal parasites who bank their cheques win, lose or draw.

  3. "He is between 5ft 9ins and 5ft 11ins tall, of medium build with short brown hair and blue eyes."

    He's been in the prison system for years but they can't say exactly how tall he is! Twizzle?

  4. On the subject of open prisons.
    My wife's first language is Spanish and she says that you can't translate open prison to Spanish - it doesn't make sense.
    I think that is a good reason for a change of name.

  5. "The Criminality of the Injustice system laid before us in all its glory.

    Sentences that aren't fully served in prisons that don't imprison."

    Spot on!

    "He's been in the prison system for years but they can't say exactly how tall he is!"

    Well, quite! Our first-class public sector, eh?

    " can't translate open prison to Spanish - it doesn't make sense."

    The Spanish are clearly smarter than we are!

  6. I don't suppose the name of the idiots who felt he no longer posed a threat to the public could be published. In this 'it's not our fault' society, these cretins are protected so they can receive their taxpayer funded pensions after releasing even more scum into society.
