Tuesday 22 January 2013

Flogging A Dead... Well, Not Horse, Exactly...

Remember this case? Well, it's back in the 'York Press':
Kia now hopes to raise money for a personalised headstone for her daughter’s grave at Fulford Cemetery, which currently only has a name plaque.
But at least they are learning - comments are disabled on this story! The populace might not say what the paper clearly wants them to say...

Oh, and no. The cause of death has still not been determined to have been the damp flat, but this poverty bandwagon is rollin' so stay out of its way!
“We had to lose Telan before people could realise how bad poverty was in York,” said Kia.

Little Sanjay feels your pain, Kia... 


  1. Saw the link at DP's place - I thought this was going to be about the burger crisis....

  2. If the mothers truly believe that living in a damp flat killed their babies then they should have no problem submitting to arrest, trial, conviction and incarceration for the premeditated and cold-blooded murder of their own children.

    No one forced their babies to live in...and possibly die of...the damp in their accomodation but them.

  3. Sympathy? See Large Hadron Collider comment under previous post.

    The latest instalment of this story sees family rehoused to larger accommodation, quickly followed by departure of ex-chip shop chef husband Simon. Now the mother is pleading/begging for a 'unique' headstone for dead child. Preferably something expensive, nothing too cheap or ordinary mind.

    There's actually a video of the family here: The life and tragic death of Telan Stone aged 11 months - video

    Just try not to notice the electronics under the flat screen TV... it'll make your blood boil.

  4. As someone commented on the previous post, open a bloody window. As for poverty, get a job love, and what happened to the former partner? The unemployed chef?

  5. How did they afford the Sky box, the Wii box, the dvd player? They may have bought it second hand or on the never never but surely there should be more useful things they could have bought.

    Poverty my arse.

  6. I live in York.

    Poverty? Where? In the minds of those who want more than their neigbour without any effort and that's about it.

    Also in the York Press:

    York is also ranked in the top five cities with the lowest Job Seekers Allowance claimant count


    Can't be that bad here then. OK, it's a bit expensive to buy a house but so is Chelsea and you don't hear much about poverty there.

  7. “The one-bedroomed flat was originally allocated to Kia Stone and her baby son only. However, at the time of the tragic death of baby Telan, the family had grown to four people, plus their dog."

    "The council replaced the standard extractor fan with a humidity controlled one and advised the family on how to reduce condensation, which was not considered to be a contributory factor in the death.

    Not much more to be said.

  8. The film was made by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

    If they feel so strongly, why didn't they rent/give a 2 bed flat for the family instead of making a film with the money?

    The Joseph Rowntree Housing Foundation JRHF is a separate charity for this very purpose.

  9. No, there probably is not much more to say. Except how sad this is, not diminished by the desperate plight of Sanjay. We all know that there is always somebody worse off, whether there is anybody as soulless as Julia, is debateable.

  10. Bunny

    It is not sad, it is pathetic that there is this woman who is blaming everybody but herself for the death of her child. It may be Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or something else, but to claim publicity on the death and then to effectively beg for funds for a gravestone is unforgiveable.

    I hope the anonymous poster who claims that Julia is soulless is basking in their self righteous glow.

  11. Anon, I wouldn't consider Julia as being 'soulless' rather she is using the picture of Sanjay to compare real poverty which occurs in the third world with the non-poverty that occurs here. After all how many people in poverty in the third world have a Sky box?

    The Joseph Rowntree Foundation should be ashamed of themselves for this shroud waving film.

  12. "...I thought this was going to be about the burger crisis...."

    I didn't think of that!

    "Just try not to notice the electronics under the flat screen TV... it'll make your blood boil."


    "I live in York.

    Poverty? Where? In the minds of those who want more than their neigbour without any effort and that's about it."

    People like anon at 5.17am, I suspect...

    "The Joseph Rowntree Housing Foundation JRHF is a separate charity for this very purpose."

    Her value to them in publicity is clearly increased far beyond her value to them as an example of someone they've actually helped... :/

  13. Telan?
    What is it with these fucking stupid names?
