Wednesday 23 January 2013

Here We Go Again...

Because, it seems, despite all the publicity, some people never learn...
“We know about the dogs up there. With being a postman it is part of the territory. But it was one of those things – I think anybody posting letters through the door that day would have got it.
Something really needs doing. Next time it could be a child or a pensioner.
“People send kids out posting flyers – if a child posts through the door they could lose a hand.”
Well, not if they keep their hands out of the letterbox, they won't!
Nigel Smith, Burnley Delivery Office manager, said it was vital to ensure the welfare and safety of postmen delivering to customers in Burnley.
He said: “Ian has suffered a terrible injury as a result of this attack and it will be many weeks before he is able to return to work.
“We appeal to owners to keep their pets under control, especially if they know their pets have a territorial nature.”
Dog owners appeals to postmen and junkmail deliverers to keep their frickn' hands out of the letterbox went unheeded, as usual...


  1. I'm sorry but I can't work out how the postman puts his hand through the letterbox.

    I have delivered letters in several countries during the peek holiday times and not once did I have to put my hand or fingers through the slot.

  2. If the letter box has draught excluder round and the inner flap is stiff, then unless you're happy to see the leaflet/letter get crumpled up, you have to hold the inner flap open. When I'm leafletting Christian Aid, or details of Christmas/Easter services I do liosten out for the sound of dogs. Once, a dog was waiting quietly and I nearly got bit, be cause the owner's letter flap was stiff and needed holding open while I put the leaflet in.

    You may not sympathise with me. But I don't suppose it is funny for postmen.

  3. "I'm sorry but I can't work out how the postman puts his hand through the letterbox."

    Tolkien provides one reason...

    "If the letter box has draught excluder round and the inner flap is stiff, then unless you're happy to see the leaflet/letter get crumpled up, you have to hold the inner flap open."

    Have you considered a pair of tongs? Serious question!

  4. Actually, no. I think I would get a funny look sticking a pair of tongs in a letter box, quite apart from the inconvenience in carrying it around.

  5. What's more inconvenient, a pair of tongs or a nasty dog bite?

  6. Any bloody spammer/junk mailer looses his hand in MY mail box, I will be throwing a bloody MASSIVE celebration party.

    Shower of littering bastards.

    (Aye, and that goes for "When I'm leafletting Christian Aid, or details of Christmas/Easter services" as well!
