Saturday 26 January 2013

Left Hand, Right Hand...

Chief Superintendent Dal Babu, spokesman for the Association of Muslim Police, said officers, particularly in London, should reflect the communities they served, as it emerged that not one candidate on the latest Strategic Command Course — which qualifies police officers for senior chief officer ranks — is from a black or ethnic minority background.
Sure they must. So long as they don't reflect the body-building community, I suppose?
Dozens of police officers are being investigated over their use of anabolic steroids supplied by criminals in gyms, an anti-corruption report has revealed. It warns that the many officers who use drugs to boost their strength risk corruption if they depend on dealers.
I don't quite know why they are so worried - it isn't as if their colleagues don't know just how to deal with body-builders who go berserk, after all...


  1. Looking forward to seeing the first tranny ACC getting measured for his/her new uniform...

  2. Not seen investigating the Muslim vigilante case.

  3. Looking forward to seeing the first tranny ACC getting measured for his/her new uniform... can't make anything up anymore. I'm sure it will happen.

    As for steroid abuse in the police, old Ali Dizaei used to love posing in his short sleeved shirt, biceps bulging...wasn't he at a gym in West london, with his car parked outside when he alleged some raysists criminally damaged his car in one of Kensington nick's parking spaces? A 'roider if ever there was one.

    As for Dal babu, what an utter cnut. I feel sorry for us, the public, when opportunistic race card players like him eventually run everything into the ground, then they'll have to bring back proper recruitment, training along with standards and discipline.....IN EVERYTHING.

  4. An ardent feminist and a very 'out' male homosexual should be the next two appointments to his unit.

    I'm sure that's what he's seeking.

  5. Not sure why you have linked these two completely unrelated stories Julia but it's not the first time.

    We can never represent the mix of London properly.There are cultural reasons why ethnic minorities will not join the police in large numbers as well as the elephant in the room about previous convictions in certain groups.
    I don't know this Chief Super but once ethnic officers get to the high ranks they often whinge about feeling lonely.What is he doing to encourage Asians to join?

    As for the steroid maniac I think he got what he deserved.Any suggestions who he should have been dealt differently? I'm sure he was a nice chap,good to his old nan,a loveable rogue,got in with the wrong crowd etc etc.

  6. Citizens should be alert to the following general signs of drug taking by local plod:-
    1. Secrecy about activities, slyness and caginess.
    2. Lack of interest in work and personal appearance.
    3. Slow mental performance and memory loss.
    4 May quite suddenly exhibit fits of temper.
    5. Short attention span.
    6. Not taking care with uniform.
    7. Wearing sunglasses to hide the effects of drugs on the eyes.
    8. Using cheap deodorant to hide the smell of drugs.
    9. Always being broke and trying to borrow money.
    10. Stealing money, taking bribes or objects they can sell.
    11. Using slang terms for drugs.
    12. Prone to making false accusations leading to poor social, personal and family relationships.
    13. Poor work performance and chronic absenteeism.
    14 Becoming withdrawn and clinging to the office radiator.

  7. Are you on drugs Melvin?
    You are getting very repetitive.The only time you don't repeat yourself is when I ask you how come you are such an expert on policing matters.

  8. Jaded

    MTG once got a parking ticket and wrote to the chief constable of West Northern Shithole, he was ignored and the long descent into terminal paranoia, demented letter writing and boredom (the last for the rest of us) began.

  9. including plans to allow senior police officers from overseas to apply for the top jobs.

    Just what we need; more Ali Dizaeis. Maybe we could get a top Nigerian police person who can also arrange to pay £200m in to the exchequer if we pay them a year's wages upfront.

    Unfortunately, Jaded, if these plans go ahead we'll be lucky if MTG's list isn't mistaken for the candidate specification. Bearing in mind how hard employment law made it for the Met to get rid of Desaei when they realized they'd recruited a liability, you'd think the Home Secretary would avoid doing it again.

  10. XX it emerged that not one candidate on the latest Strategic Command Course — which qualifies police officers for senior chief officer ranks — is from a black or ethnic minority background.XX

    Nothing to do with the fact they are all thick bastards then? (Sorry to repeat myself. I said similar in an earlier (later?) post of yours, but the principal remains.)

  11. XX Anonymous said...


    MTG once got a parking ticket and wrote to the chief constable of West Northern Shithole, he was ignored and the long descent into terminal paranoia, demented letter writing and boredom (the last for the rest of us) began. XX

    DO NOT FORGET!!!! He was also black balled from the masons!

  12. " can't make anything up anymore. I'm sure it will happen."

    It almost certainly already has!

    "Not sure why you have linked these two completely unrelated stories Julia.."

    I thought I'd adequately explained that, but clearly not - you see, you can't, on the one hand, whinge that the police should represent 'the community' and then turn around and single out a pasttime enjoyed by that community as being somehow 'dodgy' and unworthy of police officers.


    "As for the steroid maniac I think he got what he deserved.Any suggestions who he should have been dealt differently?"

    Me too, and no, other than 'up the voltage'.

    "Maybe we could get a top Nigerian police person who can also arrange to pay £200m in to the exchequer if we pay them a year's wages upfront. "


  13. I consider myself highly fortunate to have recounted to me, certain life experiences of which I have absolutely no recollection.

    What may be a premature onset of Alzheimer's is more than offset by the Samaritan goodwill of folk like Jaded and Mine Furor; always on hand to fill in 'missing episodes'.

  14. Right on cue, a useful idiot steps up to the mike :

    1. Peter Fahy as ever.......nice list of BEM success stories mention as yet in any 'piece of work ' re the link between incidents of misconduct and corruption and the ethnicity of offenders within the police. No doubt one day but too late as the UK continues to import all that is fucking dreadful from our terrifically rewarding and vibrant immigrant ghettos.... Sorry... Communities .
