Monday 14 January 2013

Why Not Just Electrify It At Night Instead?

Croydon Council plans to remove the lower sun-shade bars attached to the back of the Calat building in Central Parade to stop people from using them to climb the building.
Not because they want to practice for their ascent of K2, either...
The authority is planning the drastic action after contractors' materials were stolen on November 8 by thieves who had scaled the building using the bars.
So, in the event we get a hot summer (I know, I know...) don't go looking for shade in Croydon.


  1. Bunny,

    A simple non-lethal version could have been introduced at design stage, have the solar shading bars put on a pivot so they do not provide any support if used to climb on. There could also be a notice to this effect to stop some idiot suing if they injure themselves attempting to climb.

  2. Bet they lower the sunshades only to find that someone nicks them for the scrap metal.

  3. "There could also be a notice to this effect to stop some idiot suing if they injure themselves attempting to climb."

    I'd have thought their insurance would insist on it!

    "Bet they lower the sunshades only to find that someone nicks them for the scrap metal."


  4. How old is this building? I thought councils were now experts on "designing out crime"?
