Wednesday 20 February 2013

A 'Lack Of Diligence'..?

Maybe. But hardly solely on the part of the police...
Georgina Beevers, 37, was discovered by officers at the house in Bredbury, Stockport, at 8.17am on January 30 last year.
Her young son had answered the door to police, who found Georgina on the living room sofa.
Her mother, Sheila, had raised the alarm at 6.44pm the previous evening – telling the 999 operator Georgina’s partner had been ‘battling to stop her taking an overdose’.
He left shortly after warning Mrs Beevers.
Well, he's a prince, isn't he? She's good enough to sleep with, but not worth persevering with. So he leaves a young lad alone with a supposedly-suicidal woman and dumps the problem on her mum.

So, what about mum? Why didn't she do anything? Maybe she lives too far away?
Sheila, 65, of Hindsford Close, Wythenshawe...
 Oh. Maybe not. It's all of nine miles...
...was unable to drive to her daughter’s home as she was on strong medication and made a series of frantic calls to police and social services on the night of the tragedy.
Couldn't she have got a neighbour to drive her? Or a taxi? Maybe she isn't familiar with taxis?
“I had told them my daughter had threatened suicide yet there was no line of communication. If I’d have known they weren't going to go round I’d have ordered a taxi and gone myself.
Oh, right  Clearly, she is familiar with taxis. She just thinks that, having plonked the problem in the hands of the state and its minions, it's up to them to go do something about the suicidal daughter with the four-year-old kid...
The IPCC probe found the 999 call handler had correctly recognised the incident as Grade 1 – requiring an emergency response. But two minutes later a radio operator asked for it to be downgraded to Grade 2 – a decision that was sanctioned by a supervisor at 6.49pm.
A Grade 2 call still requires police attendance within an hour. But an ongoing armed robbery and a missing person meant no officer was assigned until 9.25pm.
The IPCC found the police constable given the job had read 11 of the 12 pages in two minutes – but not the final page. He knocked on the door around an hour later but left when he got no response, suggesting another officer should go round in the morning.
He later claimed not to have seen a section of the notes on Georgina’s suicide risk.
Hmmm. Why did the son not answer the door that time?

But whatever. It's clearly all entirely the fault of the poor bloody police, and not the selfish act of an attention seeking woman and the lackadaisical response of her nearest and dearest...


  1. Bunny

    Query what sort of self absorbed bitch commits suicide with a four year old child in the house? Perhaps it may have been 'para-suicide', ie come round and give me attention type, which has 'tragically' gone wrong. It does make me wonder whether by stopping the prosecution of people who attempted suicide the legislators may have been storing up a problem for the future.

  2. Suicidal woman commits suicide.

  3. If you only knew how much we spend as police dealing with people with mental problems.We are not experts but it always come down to us.99% of the time things go OK but the one time it doesn't....

  4. Great post, asking all the questions any reasonable person would have asked...but then this is the IPCC - POLICE TO BLAME FOR EVERYTHING ... EVER!

    Jaded...are you laughing your socks off at the Vicky Pryce jury... I can only guess at the makeup of this bunch of fuckwits? Southwark Crown Court - - - what a [gene] pool to select juries from eh?

    Back in the old days, Snaresbrook Crown Court had a reputation that a defendant would only be found guilty if he or she shouted the word 'GUILTY' very loudly , several times and in a non-English accent.
    Nowadays a poorly educated and/or vibrantly diverse population with a dash of soft left liberal attitudes gives us the farce that has been published today.

    I'm still chuckling at that list of questions and the old darling's responses to them.

  5. What a pity that the likes of WC Jaded are blind to both the tragic and distressing elements in such cases.

  6. Yes Melvin,back to your default position of the police in the wrong all the time...let's ask the question again-please explain why you are such an expert.Breath not being held.
    Regarding the jury pool-they tend to read everything they believe about police being fat,lazy, corrupt,radiator huggers.The govt are doing a fine job smearing us and hung juries are an unintended side-effect of that campaign.

  7. It's not her job, Julia.

    She was only the mother and grandmother. Our glorious State is responsible for the welfare of its citizens.

    If I’d have known they weren't going to go round I’d have ordered a taxi and gone myself
    Was CBB on or something? You can always tape it if your daughter is threatening to off herself. I would, but only if I had a blank cassette.

    Also, isn't suicide legal these days? What would the coppers nick her for?

    If Mrs Beevers had had any sense, she'd have called the RSPCA and told them her daughter was maltreating a goldfish.Immediate response.

  8. Plenty of sympathy Jaded - I can only think I was just lucky no one died behind some of the doors I knocked on. Inside some I found various calling cards from social agencies when someone had croaked.
    I always tried and so did most colleagues - but we didn't do anything about the sods who didn't. My classic was making the "29th" call to 26 Duke Street in 1974. The address had been destroyed in WW2 and not rebuilt. Cop claiming to have made the 28 previous visits on file also alleged responsible for Laker's 19 wickets at Old Trafford in 1956 - pissing on a length whilst on overnight security duty!
    I'd want to tag along on the job to know what it's really like now - but I sense something very wrong in "response". Allcoppedout

  9. "Query what sort of self absorbed bitch commits suicide with a four year old child in the house?"

    And what sort of other adults in her like allow her to do so..

    "If you only knew how much we spend as police dealing with people with mental problems."

    I'm getting a good idea!

    "Jaded...are you laughing your socks off at the Vicky Pryce jury... I can only guess at the makeup of this bunch of fuckwits? Southwark Crown Court..."

    I hope that's been an eye-opener for a lot of people! The Twitter meme #PryceJuryQuestions has been illuminating & amusing, though :)

    "Was CBB on or something? You can always tape it if your daughter is threatening to off herself."

    That's the sad part, isn't it? The partner, well.... But your mother is supposed to be there for you! My mother would travel 900 miles, never mind 9!

    "I always tried and so did most colleagues - but we didn't do anything about the sods who didn't. "

    Not a failing unique to the Police Force, as anyone following the Mid Staffs debacle will realise.
