Thursday 14 February 2013

He Did 'Have Another Side', Then, Judge?

...trouble is, it was just as bad:
Diallo Allen, 18, was allowed to walk free despite mugging three teenagers after Judge Lesley Newton heard he turned to crime after his affluent parents were forced to move to a council estate.
Judge Newton said she believed there was ‘another side’ to the violent mugger and gave him a suspended sentence.
And he walked the straight and narrow (as far as we know) for....three whole days!
But three days later Allen smashed his way into a home while the owners were on holiday. He was caught after traces of his blood were found on a door and window frames.
Allen is now due to appear before Judge Newton again, after yesterday pleading guilty to burgling the house with intent to steal.
I guess it's not just the mugger who gets a second chance to do the right thing, then?

But tell me more about the circumstances of his family's fall from grace?
Manchester Crown Court was told how he had fallen into bad company after his ‘high-achieving’ family moved a mile-and-a-half from a ‘middle-class’ area to the Nell Lane council estate, in Chorlton.
Allen’s mother, Deanne Blake, had worked for Manchester council for 18 years as a social worker before launching her own private consultancy.
His father Garfield Allen, who is separated from Miss Blake, was made redundant from his job as a theatre director due to funding cuts in the arts.
Oh dear! *stifles manic laughter*


  1. Oh deary me. A Social Worker (sic - oxymoronic at the best of times, usually just plain moronic) and a Thesp - perhaps they can engage in some person centred rehabiliative culturally sensitive diversion seminars around why their son is a dispicable scrote?

  2. Bunny

    At least he was honest about stealing off people, unlike his parents who had parasitic existence for years until it became untenable for the council to still fund their lifestyles.

    Oh dear how sad, what a pity never mind.

  3. Diallo - the one fathered by Garfield? And let off, you say?
    I'm beginning to suspect...yup! Had a brief squint at it in 'gangsta' pose.

  4. With Bunny on this.

    Anyone wondering where all the money went or gets moist-eyed when the unions demand larger pensions for the poor public sector needs to remember those words: affluent parents

    As for Diallo Allen, the earlier report of the mugging spree adds: "Unemployed Allen, has a number of previous petty convictions". So I'm not sure where the second chance part is coming from? Seems he's had a few already.

    Well, we await Judge Lesley Newton's correction. Firstly there's the original suspended 15-month jail sentence that needs activating and then the sentencing for the latest destitution provoked burglary.

  5. Of course, the victims might have been racists.......

  6. T'would appear that Diallo's pigmentation was mitigation enough.

  7. "...perhaps they can engage in some person centred rehabiliative culturally sensitive diversion seminars around why their son is a dispicable scrote?"


    "At least he was honest about stealing off people, unlike his parents..."

    Good point!

    "So I'm not sure where the second chance part is coming from? Seems he's had a few already."

    Our justice system doles out second chances like sweeties at Christmas!

    "T'would appear that Diallo's pigmentation was mitigation enough."

    Oh, indeed!

  8. T'would appear that Diallo's pigmentation was mitigation enough

    We're all familiar with the phrase "Pussy pass". Can we add "Pigmentation pass" to the list?

  9. "You are an actress?"

    No No, you missunderstood me, I have a thisp.
