Friday 22 February 2013

Just What Is The Point?

The court heard that on January 19, Mr Parton saw his bicyclewhich he thought he had lostpropped up against a tree outside McDonald's on Scunthorpe's High Street.
Oh, happy days! How had it come to be there?

Well, it had been stolen. And - of course  - confronted with his crime, the thief responded in the usual fashion - brazen it out:
Prosecutor Debbie Gibson told the court Mr Parton confronted Bentley about the bike and was told he had owned it for around a year.
"Bentley became vocal towards him," said Miss Gibson. "He got off the bike and got hold of Mr Parton and a scuffle broke out.
"This gave Bentley's girlfriend the chance to ride off on the bike, but she fell off."

Oh, of course, the thief is already well known to the justice system and under a curfew. A lot of good that did, eh?

Mitigation should be interesting...
In mitigation, Simon Davies said: "The bike has been retrieved without any damage."
Bentley's existing 7pm to 7am curfew order was extended until May 27. He must pay £125 costs and a £60 victim surcharge.
Because it was working so well at keeping him out of trouble!


  1. Bunny

    The intellectual successor to Derek Bentley this one. An unemployable drain on society.

  2. And he's got about 10 million peers...
