Saturday 16 February 2013

Urban Pest Species: Is It Time For A Cull After All?

I've been wrestling with this question all week. My natural instincts say 'No'.

It would be hugely expensive, would likely do no good as more would simply move in to claim the empty territory and the bleeding hearts would be everywhere in the media trying to drum up sympathy.

But...well, you look at the facts and it's hard not to see the writing on the wall:

Yes, I'm afraid we are going to have to bite the bullet, and start culling the urban chav.


  1. Bunny

    The lads killed in the Audi S4, they robbed it from Kearsley, for those who don't know the area, Kearsley is very rough. If someone owns an S4 in Kearsley it is probably not from hard work and saving. Being killed in a car crash is preferable to being killed by a very annoyed member of the underworld who is not happy that his pride and joy has been stolen.

  2. Hooked on the Phillpott story. Each day brings a revelation of yet more children squirrelled away somewhere.

    We have (if I recall them correctly)...

    5 with current wife (plus one of her own).
    4 with mistress (plus one of her own)
    2 with former teenaged girlfriend
    3 with former wife.
    1 with partner of a friend.

    In principle, I have no problem with larger broods. But I don't wish to have one myself nor be forced to pay for someone else's.

    I also have to say to those liberal/lefties that think this family and those like them are to be encouraged and supported... well, look how this one turned out? I hope you're proud of yourselves.

  3. Ha!

    And why are we now calling getting up the duff, 'falling pregnant'?

    Sounds like something that just happens natuarally that you cant do anything about.

  4. Anon said "Being killed in a car crash is preferable to being killed by a very annoyed member of the underworld who is not happy that his pride and joy has been stolen."

    Quite possibly, and certainly quicker ; 0)

  5. Audi S4????

    My bloody GRANNY would be embarressed to be seen dead in such a shed. (and she IS dead)

  6. "The lads killed in the Audi S4, they robbed it from Kearsley..."

    I've seen nothing on it since the first headlines - haven't even seen them named!

    "Hooked on the Phillpott story. Each day brings a revelation of yet more children..."

    It is indeed 'car crash tv', isn't it? I shudder to think there's more out there...

    "Quite possibly, and certainly quicker ; 0)"

