Wednesday 27 February 2013

Well, He Led 'A Blameless Life' Up To A Point...

Remember this one? Well, you won’t be surprised at the sentence, will you?
A car dealer, who recruited a gang to viciously beat up two mechanics because his vehicle wasn’t resprayed in time, has been ordered to pay £1,000 compensation and £1,400 court costs.
A judge did not jail father-of-three Mohammed Mazar as he had led a ‘blameless life’ and had family responsibilities.
A ‘blameless life’ apart from that one little indiscretion
Sentencing, Recorder Robert Crawford said: “Thankfully, the injuries sustained were not as serious as they could have been. In my judgement, this was a serious business. You set out to recruit a group to beat these men up.
“That’s totally unacceptable behaviour and behaviour which, in my judgement, crosses the custody threshold.
But, Recorder Crawford added: “You have led a blameless life for many years, are in work and have serious family responsibilities.
“That just tips the balance to save you from immediate imprisonment.”
So it crosses the custody threshold, but it doesn't. And we are mocking the Vicky Pryce jury?

Mitigation must have been awesome?
Michael Bridge, for Mazar, told the sentencing hearing his behaviour was out of character. He continued: “Generally speaking, he is a man who has a positive role within his own community and the wider community.
“He provides much-needed support to family members who are ill.”
Oh. I guess not.

But since I match that description too, it’s nice to know for April, when my service & MOT is due…


  1. What saintly soul just knows where to hire a gang of thugs. You can't get them from 118118 you know.

    "Is this a mild beating you want sir? Or a right bloody good kicking?"

  2. Bunny

    Surely that should be one lump or two?

    I do have the feeling if I ever come up in front of a judge that the beggar would put the black cap on for me. Whereas this chap can get away with procuring a couple of thugs to beat two mechanics up with impunity.

  3. it’s nice to know for April, when my service & MOT is due…

    Yep... my little list of Things I Can Do Should I Ever Feel The Need & Completely Get Away With It is growing, daily.

    I'm just going need the right shade of spraytan for my court appearance and Bob might be me uncle (subject to DNA test). :)

  4. Whereas if you are Emma West and lose it on a train, start yelling but don't actually hit'll be arrested, imprisoned for a month ostensibly for your own good and have your trial delayed umpteen times on the grounds of 'psychological reports' since, apparently, it is a sign of madness to hold views of which others do not approve.

  5. Pussy pass, pigment pass, this one'll be the ROP pass.

  6. "What saintly soul just knows where to hire a gang of thugs. You can't get them from 118118 you know. "

    But if you could get them from M&S or Carlsberg..! ;)

    "I'm just going need the right shade of spraytan for my court appearance..."


    "..since, apparently, it is a sign of madness to hold views of which others do not approve."

    I do believe Stalin pioneered that policy.

  7. XX “He provides much-needed support to family members who are ill.” XX
    Oh, ill hej?

    WHAT a bloody surprise.

    If I were the judge, I would demand to see the sick notes.

  8. Once again we hear that a defendant has led a "blameless life". Rather like all those defendants who have committed a "first offence" when, in fact, the reality very often is that they have just never been caught out before.

    As NickM points out, why would a solid, upstanding citizen even contemplate hiring a gang of violent thugs in the first place?
