Friday 8 February 2013

Well, Maybe You Ought To Make It 'Two Rules'..?

Edited: I've received a takedown notice over the content of this page, so you'll have to read the antics of Shahin Hashemi-Haeri, 45, at the original link to the 'Daily Mail' (the article is still up).

If they manage to get that taken down too, there's always Court News, where you can read about Shahin Hashemi-Haeri's antics...


  1. "...racial abuse is beyond the pale (can I say that? Oh, well...)."

    Yes, you can.

  2. OH look its another gobby, violent and racist bearded savage.

  3. "Yes, you can."

    Whew! ;)

    "OH look its another gobby, violent and racist bearded savage."

    We aren't short of them, it seems...
