Tuesday 12 February 2013

Why Don't Our Police Take The Advice Of Marshal Raylan Givens?

...and just take 'no interest in shitkicker-on-shitkicker crime..?' Wouldn't it save the police a lot of time and trouble?

In the red corner: Adam Platt, who
...attacked Martin with a knife in the street after violently losing his temper over the Hyatt family's noisy pets.
In the blue corner: Martin Hyatt whose family
...have Staffordshire bull terrier Zeus and collie cross Zack – had clashed a number of times with 30-year-old Platt over their dogs since moving to Causeley Road, Bucknall, in 2011.
Anyone thinking they might have a bit of sympathy with the attackee rather than the driven-out-of-his-mind attacker should take a good look at the details:
Martin, who lives with wife Suzanne, is father to three children and stepfather to three more.
 It's a wonder he has any time to walk poor Zeus and Zack, isn't it?
Suzanne, aged 39, said: "When I saw Martin had been stabbed I just started panicking.
"There was blood all over the floor. It was shocking. You just don't expect your nextdoor neighbour to do something like this."
Really, Suzanne? Really..?

Comments, as ever, are a pure delight! Especially when someone calling herself 'suziehyatt' joins in:
“just to set the record straight,i am mrs hyatt and that night my dogs wasnt barking it was our other neighbours dogs and they do not constanly bark,they are well behaved dogs,we have put up with **** off that nutter next door and his children,throwing glass bottles into our garden for our dogs to hurt themselfs we got up one morning to a shredded can on our childrens trampoline,oh and spudder who ever you are martyn has never been in prison so get you facts right before you make coments like that,and adam plant has been arrested before over carrying a knife but was never convicted and also other things but never convicted,our son saw his dad get stabbed that night and he still has nightmares about it oh he isnt no chav or is my husband,so what they had their stoke shirts on,so everybody that wears a football shirt is a chav then...”
*gets popcorn to read rest of thread*


  1. A distinctly recognisable style of grammar and punctuation supplied by 'suziehyatt'. Systematic denotations in lower case for the first person 'I' and the missing space subsequent to punctuation. Unforgettable misspellings and double negatives to grace a highly polished communication from some 'middal clas,educatid' person.

    And lovely neighbours, to be sure.

    is that you their,jaded.gosh if i wa'snt just thinnking off you myselve

  2. The Chavistocracy in action.

    Hey Melv - that there Jaded fella has really got under your skin mate...let it go....let it go........AND TAKE YOUR MEDS!!!!!!!!

  3. "they had their stoke shirts on, so everybody that wears a football shirt is a chav then...”

    Not everybody, obviously. Perhaps though if you hadn't blown the benefits on dog food you'd have been able to get the boys something nicer to wear? I believe Port Vale FC do some rather classy shirts.

  4. Bunny

    If the bloke with a knife was any good, he wouldn't have left the victim alive after four puncture wounds, perhaps he needed a course from the street doctors in how to make a wound really effective.

    Eugenics, like garlic bread, its the future, the down side being that reverse darwinism is in play.

  5. "we have put up with **** off that nutter next door and his children" - is it wrong to be slightly impressed that she managed the double 'f' in off?

    There is some intelligence there, it's coherent I suppose but clearly rocket science hasn't lost a serious practitioner.

  6. Melvin Melvin Melvin, you have been off your game lately as mentioned on other blogs.Let he who is without sin.....
    Don't even dream of making any constructive comments,just criticise spelling and grammar.Repetitive and boring repetitive and boring

  7. "A distinctly recognisable style of grammar and punctuation supplied by 'suziehyatt'. "

    Oh, indeed!

    "Perhaps though if you hadn't blown the benefits on dog food you'd have been able to get the boys something nicer to wear? "


    "..perhaps he needed a course from the street doctors in how to make a wound really effective."


    "... is it wrong to be slightly impressed that she managed the double 'f' in off? "

    And that it wasn't 'off of'..!
